A Call To Freedom From Above

by Rory Synoground | Articles, Christian Living

No matter what circumstance you find your self in today, no matter where you are in life, begin to consider Jesus.
There is a life awaiting you that is full of peace, prosperity, security, love, joy, success, and healing. It is a life of freedom; it is a call to freedom and truth from the Father. It is a life where the promises of God are manifest in your life.

We are to partake of this calling, and then to proclaim this freedom to the world. Today is the day of salvation! Today is the day to be FREE!

So then brethren, consecrated and set apart for God, who share in the heavenly calling, (thoughtfully and attentively) consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest Whom we confessed (as ours when we embraced the Christian faith).
(Heb. 3:1 AMP)

Look at Joshua 1:5. There, God tells Joshua that no man or enemy will be able to stand in front and block him—and be successful. The same is true today. Oh the devil will try, but if we will continually consider Jesus, Who is the High Priest of our confession, the devil will not be able to keep us back.

We will go onward through the night, through the storm, and we will prevail.

On the lake that day, Jesus saw the same wind and the same waves that the disciples saw, yet He walked right through the middle of it—on the water itself. No natural circumstance or attack of the enemy was going to prevent Jesus from walking free from this world’s system and proclaiming the will of God.

Don’t Get Caught Up
As he reached the disciples in faith, they cried out in fear when they saw Him. The disciples got so caught up in the natural circumstances of the storm that was plaguing them that they didn’t even recognize Jesus—the Savior of their souls—standing right beside them.

You know, that is the way we are too. We get so caught up in the events of our time, the tragedies, and trying circumstances, that we fail to recognize our Savior who is right there beside us ever ready to lend us His hand. We fail to recognize that Jesus our deliverer is there—ever ready to help us through these deceptive circumstances.

God told Joshua to be strong and of good courage. To meditate in His Word day and night, so that he would be able to do that Word, and then that Word, would give him the supernatural wisdom he needed, and then he would have good success.

Praise God, Hebrews 3:1 tells us to do the same thing. We are to consider or to intensely observe fully, Jesus our Savior, not the tragedies, storms or circumstances around us!

In John 1:1-14 we read that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And that Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. Jesus is the Word of God manifested in the flesh. We are instructed to intensely observe Jesus, the Living Word of God, lest we grow weary and faint in our minds.

When we fail to intensely observe Jesus, the Word of God, we will grow weak in our minds. We will get overtaken with fear, depression, and every other oppressive torment the devil has to offer us.

You know that is what happened to the disciples that night on the lake. They failed to intensely observe Jesus during the storm, and as a result they became weak and fearful. It was only when Peter began to intensely observe Jesus, that he was able to do the impossible. He did exactly what Jesus was doing.

Jesus didn’t still the storm first in order for Peter to walk on the water. No, He simply gave Peter the POWER to walk through the middle of it in complete victory and freedom from the elements that surrounded him. Even when Peter took His eyes off of Jesus, the Word, Jesus was there to deliver him, because He was there by Peter’s side.

No matter what circumstance you find your self in today, no matter where you are in life, begin to consider Jesus. It is by considering, or intensely observing the Word, that we will be able to stand in the freedom where Christ has made us free.

We will receive the comfort, the assurance, and the strength to do the impossible. We will be able to follow after the call of Heaven despite the circumstances around us. We will be able to walk through the storm and make it to the other side.

We will be able to experience the freedom that God intended for us to have, and then be able to give this freedom to others.

Go and follow after the call of Heaven today!

Copyright © Rory Synoground Ministries International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Rory called by God to "Heal The Brokenhearted" (Luke 4:18) by being "A Voice of Freedom." (John 8:31-32). Rory graduated St. Cloud State University in the spring of 1994. That fall he attended Rhema Bible Training Center. After graduating Rhema, in 1996, Rory established the evangelistic ministry of Rory Synoground Ministries International.

In the year 2002 opened The Voice of Freedom Prayer & Healing Center as an extended ministry outreach of RSMI

Soon after in 2003 Rory founded RORY SYNOGROUND PUBLICATIONS a publication company that inspires hope and faith to thousands all over the world.

In 2006 Rory pioneered FREEDOM CHRISTIAN CENTER, which was located in Austin MN.

Rory is evangelistic in nature with a prophetic and teaching anointing accompanying his ministry. Rory ministers a bold uncompromised Word from the Lord, and prays for the sick. Through this ministry thousands of people have prayed the prayer of salvation, and have experienced medically supported healings.

Rory & his wife Amelia have 5 children.