"I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust" (Ps. 91:2 KJV).

In order to obtain the blessings of Psalm 91, you must affirm. You must affirm that He is your refuge. Now the word refuge means, "protection or shelter from danger or hardship."

You need to say that God is your protection from all hardship that you face. He's your protection from all danger that you might face. That's something that you affirm and say daily in order to receive the promises of Psalm 91.

Note what else it says we must affirm: "...he is my refuge my fortress...." Now a fortress is a fortified place, especially a large and permanent military stronghold. In other words, God is my large, strong, military stronghold. God is the army that deals with the legions of all the devils against me.

You must affirm that God is your God. You must not be ashamed to affirm that God is your God. When I was in the corporate world I used to get so tired of those "professional" Christians; the professional, briefcase carrying, wing tip shoe wearing, country club card carrying folk who didn't know God between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Yes, they know Him in church. But you must affirm that He is your God whether you are at work or not if you are going to receive the blessings of Psalm 91. Now I know you don't need to carry the family Bible to work, but there must be a willingness to let them know that God is on your side, that you love the Lord.

One of the reasons why you must say that the Lord is all these things is that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. You build your confidence in God by saying what God says about you. But you must say it with your mouth, even if you feel stupid saying it, you must say it all the time.

Say it until you get it in your heart, and you become so confident in God that you acknowledge Him everywhere you go, no matter where you are.

Scripture References: Mark 11:23-24; Proverbs 3:5-6

Copyright © Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.