"For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God...in the Spirit He speaks mysteries." (1 Cor. 14:2)

During World War II, the United States was at war with the Japanese. The American soldiers and pilots would communicate with one another through two-way radios from one location to another. They would give each other battle plans so they could defeat the enemy.

But the Japanese were able to break in, listen to the conversations, and find out the battle plans between the Americans. When they knew the plans, they could interfere and defeat our troops. It was a very serious situation.

But someone discovered within our troops were members of a Native American Indian tribe called the Navajos (pronounced Nah-vah-hoes).

The Navajos had their own ancient language called "talking to the wind," unique to only their people. The Marine officers placed a Navajo in every Marine division and put them in the communications departments.

Using their native language, they would communicate to the other divisions the very important battle plans. The Japanese could not figure out how to interpret or translate their language. Because of this mysterious language known only by the Navajos, the US won the war against the Japanese.

Our Father God gave us an outstanding spiritual weapon when He gave us the ability to speak in tongues. There's someone else besides us who doesn't know what we're saying to God, and that's our enemy, Satan himself, and his little buddies, the demons. When we pray in tongues, the devil is not able to understand what we're saying. If he can't understand, he can't interfere, and ambush our prayers. God did that on purpose.

Just like the Windtalkers alone could understand what was being said during the war, so God, the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and the hosts of heavenly angels alone understand these heavenly languages. Because of this spiritual battles are won which might otherwise not have been.

There are many stories of Christians who have been attacked by robbers and murderers, but they suddenly began crying out in their prayer languages. In some cases, the robbers became terrified arid ran away. In some cases, murderers' eyes were opened to the spirit world, and they saw huge angels guarding these Christians.

They would flee in terror. In other cases, when they heard these people praying in tongues, they thought they were crazy, and just ran away because they didn't want anything to do with crazy people. The point is, their lives were saved!

Source: School Of The Bible for Kids Most High God, p. 128 by Becky Fischer
Excerpt permission granted by Kids In Ministry International