Have you ever been among a gathering of believers where the Presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong people were not even able to stand? I have, many times. I don't know about you, but I am hungry to see more of the glory of God manifested in our midst. That's what God wants. He is growing us up spiritually as a Body so we will usher in His manifested Presence more and more when we come together to worship and magnify His Name.

What are we talking about when we refer to "the glory of God"? Let's compare two scriptures to find an answer to that question. The Bible states that it was the glory of the Father which raised Jesus from the dead: "Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father" (Rom. 6:4). But the Bible also says the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead: "The Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead" (Rom. 8:11).

So the glory of the Lord is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the Bible gives different instances of God revealing His glory to man by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes in my meetings the glory cloud will come as I am about to minister to people in a healing line. The first time that happened I was holding a meeting for Brother Gordon Lindsay in the 1960's. I had laid hands on about half of the people in the healing line. Then I saw the glory cloud rolling into the building. I walked back to the pulpit because I knew in that instance if I stood in that cloud, I would fall under the power of the Holy Spirit along with the rest of the people. The cloud came floating over the heads of the congregation.

Meanwhile, the people in the healing line all had their eyes closed and were worshipping God. They weren't watching me. I waited until the cloud was right above the people in the healing line, and then I waved my hand. When I did that, every person in the healing line fell down like dominoes under the power of the Spirit.

The people in the healing line were experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit, just as the priests did when God's glory filled the temple and they could not stand up to minister (2 Chron. 5:13-14).

Another way the glory of God can be manifested is shown in Acts 9, the account of Saul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus shows us that the glory of God can be manifested as light. As Saul traveled to Damascus on a mission to persecute Christians, he was arrested in his journey by a light from Heaven that shone round about him (Acts 9:3). Later Paul relates that experience to a crowd in Jerusalem, saying, "I could not see for the glory of that Light" (Acts 22:11).

You see, Saul wasn't blinded by a physical impairment in his eyes. He was blinded for a time because the glory of God came upon him.

God desires to demonstrate His glory and power upon this earth today, just as He did in the Bible. I am of the opinion that God wants to manifest His power and glory more today than He has been able to, and He is endeavoring to get the Body of Christ to a position where He can do that.

In this generation, we've received revelation from the Word about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues. But it seems to me that we've stopped at the door to the supernatural realm of God. There is so much more to experience in the realm of God's Spirit.

I'm not talking about fanaticism. But I'm saying we have only gotten to the edge of that realm of the Spirit where God's glory dwells. It's like dipping our toes in the water a little and then jumping around shouting, "Isn't this wonderful!" But God wants us to go a little deeper into the water.

In other words, He wants us to learn to operate supernaturally in the realm of the Spirit. As we learn how to do that, God will have more freedom to demonstrate His glory and power in a greater measure upon this earth.

In these days in which we live, there are going to be more manifestations of God's glory. God wants to powerfully manifest His glory in our midst. I believe that more and more the Body of Christ is getting in position for Him to do that. We are almost there. In fact, I believe we are only a half a step away from it! Let's all seek the Lord diligently and learn the ways of the Holy Spirit. Let's strive to be of one mind and one accord as a body of believers.

It's time to prepare ourselves for a greater measure of the manifestation of God's power and glory to be ushered in upon this earth, so those in the world might believe in and accept our glorious risen Savior!

Source: Classic Sermons by Kenneth Hagin.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications