The Lord is teaching me about laughter. He said to me, "My people need to laugh." There are so many terrible things going on in the world today. If Christians don't watch out, we will fall into the same depression that afflicts the world.

"The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Neh. 8:10b).

The Lord is teaching me about laughter. He said to me, "My people need to laugh." There are so many terrible things going on in the world today. If Christians don't watch out, we will fall into the same depression that afflicts the world. We may be in the world, but we are not of the world, and Jesus wants us to have joy (John 17:13).

Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." What does medicine do for you? It assists your body in healing. Laughter does this, too. It is good like a medicine. It provides a marvelous resistance against disease in the body, unhappiness in the home, and strife n the church. Now you can't beat that!

Medical science now acknowledges that the best resistance against disease is laughter. They define laughter as "stationary jogging," because the muscles and blood pressure react in such a healthy way during laughter. After laughing, the body benefits from its relaxed state.

Dr. Annette Goodheart, a clinical psychiatrist who conducts "laugh therapy," on Christian television,  says the physical advantages from laughter are amazing. It affects the heart and digestive system and enhances the immune system's ability to fight off diseases like a preventive medicine.

Laughter releases chemicals called endorphins into the body. The word "endorphin" is a combination of two words: endogenous, which means something produced within, and morphine, which is a medication for pain control and relaxation. Because of His love for us, God has placed in His Word verses about us having joy.

Joy produces the very chemical in our body that will help us calm down and stop pain. Like morphine that is administered from an external source, joy and laughter release endorphins within our body's unique system, designed exactly as God intended. If we laugh just 20 minutes a day, our body releases enough endorphins to keep us healthy and happy. Praise God!

When you need to laugh, just "fake it 'til you make it." Your diaphragm does not know the difference and you will receive the same benefits. When you put sound to a merry heart, it comes out as laughter. Laughter is joy overflowing! However, it does take a conscious effort to have a merry heart.

Joy is a fruit of your recreated spirit, but it has to be cultivated. Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice." It does not say to rejoice sometimes. If you are having trouble rejoicing, begin to speak the Word that will build you up and put on some good Christian music that will fill your heart with joy. Dance before the Lord in praise and adoration. Think of all the wonderful things God has done for you. Fellowship with the Father and let Him love you, because knowing He loves you will bring you joy.

Dr. Goodheart pointed out that we take ourselves too seriously. As children we were often not allowed to laugh, and as adults we are told not to laugh or people will not take us seriously. We can free ourselves from a lot of heavy burdens if we learn to laugh at ourselves, as well as with others. Remember, too, that self-pity will be your downfall as it was Israel's. They wished they had died in the wilderness and they did! Don't allow self-pity into your life.

Many Christians do experience depression. Depression means low spirits, gloominess, dejection, sadness, and a decrease in strength. Almost everyone has experienced depression at one time or another, but some folks enjoy pity parties. They spread their gloom and despair everywhere they go. They need to recognize the enemy, resist him (James 4:7) and then begin thinking positive thoughts and speaking positive words. Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isa. 61:3).

My message to you is this: Don't take yourself too seriously! Learn to laugh at yourself and with others. And, learn to enjoy life and have fun!

Source: Learning to Trust God's Faithfulness by Jeanne Caldwell
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers