Have you ever felt like a failure in life? Have you ever experienced insecurity? Insecurity about your appearance, your abilities, your personality, your life? Have you ever felt unloved and worthless?

If your mind is filled with thoughts of worthlessness, shame, embarrassment and low self-esteem, then it's time to get rid of that insecurity! You need to realize that YOU are God's most prized possession! If God had to choose the finest thing He ever created, He'd say YOU! You are somebody special to God.

Those thoughts and feelings are lies from the devil aimed at getting you so down on yourself that you will never experience God's best for your life. They try to make you feel you are "just not good enough" so why would God want to bless you?

God does not have one child who is not good enough to receive His love. There are a lot of people who never enjoy victories in their lives because of such low self-esteem. Jesus said that we are to love one another even as we love ourselves. If you don't like YOU, how are you ever going to like somebody else?

Low self-esteem is a result of a lack of knowledge. The reason so many Christians live way below their privileges as a child of God is because they don't know that they are highly favored of God. In Psalm 8:3,5 the psalmist is reflecting on the greatness of God and writes:

"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained, what is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visited him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor."

In this particular scripture, the psalmist is overwhelmed at just how marvelous and magnificent God is and with His ability to create the universe. Have you ever just stopped and looked around at God's creation? Just go look at the Grand Canyon some time. It's overwhelming. We get so accustomed to the things around us, but if you take the time to just look at the sky or the sunset and think that God created that; it's amazing!

Just like an artist with all the wonderful, creative pieces he designs, there's always this prized possession. That's the way God feels about YOU! Now, religion doesn't teach us that. Religion wants us to stay in a sinful state. Religion dwells on, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

Well, that's true, but that's also the reason why Jesus came, because all sinned and fell short of the glory of God. But God didn't leave us that way! He sent Jesus to redeem us from Adam's transgression, and from the curse of the law, and because the blood of Jesus worked, we're not "old sinners" anymore. Nothing you did in your past could be so terrible that God wouldn't forgive you. You are washed by the blood of Jesus, and made a new creation in Christ Jesus. You have the nature of Almighty God!

You can't be anything less than a new creation in the sight of God. If you are, then that would mean that the blood I of Jesus didn't work, and I wouldn't dare say the blood of Jesus didn't work. It worked. Praise God!

There are so many people who don't expect good things to happen to them. In fact, people really get mad at me because they think that I'm too positive. I'm not just a positive thinker; in fact, I'm not dealing with the power of positive thinking. I'm dealing with the power of revelation knowledge. However, when you have something revealed to you from the Word of God, it causes you to become very positive. You'll have a positive attitude, and you'll expect to win in every adversity. Doubt and insecurity will vanish as you become more and more conscious of just how much favor and honor you have been given by God.

If you've chosen to serve Jesus, then Jesus Himself said because of your decision, "My Father will honor you." Hallelujah! When you're honored by someone, then you can expect to receive preferential treatment.

Do you ever feel alone? Like everyone's against you? Let's find out what happens to people who are loved by God. What shall we then say to these things? "If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give, us all things?" (Rom. 8:31,32)

There are still a lot of Christians who are not convinced that God's for them. They think God's the enemy. How would you like to be commander in chief of an army where half of your troops don't even know who the enemy is? They've got their weapons pointed toward headquarters, blaming you all the time for their problems.

There are people always questioning God, "Why did You let this happen to me?" They don't yet realize that God is for them and not against them! God did not cause this awful situation in your life to prove something to you. He cares about you. You are so loved by God that He is willing to give you freely ALL things. He's on your side!

When you become "persuaded" of just how loved you are, and just how valuable you are in the sight of God, then you can say what Paul said, "There is nothing that can separate me from the love of Christ. Not things present nor things to come." Amen!

You are somebody special. Quit running yourself down. Quit talking ugly about yourself. Quit talking about what a failure you are. Don't run yourself down all the time. Don't talk about how unworthy you are. You are the handiwork of God. You are loved. You are highly favored of God. Expect greater victories in your life because you are favored of God.

Don't get discouraged when a storm comes, because you know you're favored of God and somehow, some way God will turn it around! You are crowned with glory and honor. It doesn't matter what your past is like or how many mistakes you've made - you are special to God.

Begin to expect to win in every situation simply because you are highly favored of God. Your life will become enjoyable because you know that God's going to work everything out no matter how impossible it may look. Remember, He's on your side; therefore, you cannot be defeated!

Source: Walking in Divine Favor by Jerry Savelle
Excerpt permission granted by Jerry Savelle Publications