I travel all over the world, and sometimes I run across people who look familiar that I've met at a church somewhere. But I don't always remember them.

I attended a rather large meeting one time where I wasn't preaching, and at the end of the service a lady came up and said, "Hello, I know you saw me, but you didn't want to talk to me. You walked right past me and ignored me."

I told the lady how very sorry I was and said, "I didn't see you." She said, "I know you did, but that's okay. I forgive you."

I might have looked at her, but I didn't see her. In fact, I really didn't know her. She was just one out of a thousand in a church where I had preached. It wasn't possible that I would remember her.

The insecure person immediately thinks you don't like her or him. Even after I told her that I had not seen her, she thought I was lying.

Be careful not to read things into what other people say or do.

You need to be bigger than that. Don't let your joy come from other people and how they treat you.

Your joy needs to come from the Lord within you. To be a secure person, your trust has to come from God.

Another person can't fill that void in your heart. The attention of people isn't going to make you happy. Only God can make you happy and full of joy.

Source: Conquering Intimidation by Kate McVeigh
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