Many people, including Christians, are often reluctant to get involved in politics. Their attitude is, "My vote really doesn't make a difference, so why bother?"
I am a firm believer that voting is everyone's business. To think otherwise would be irresponsible. I say this because politics impacts our lives in many ways—education, civil rights, religious freedoms and so on.

Remaining uninformed or idle during the election process is one of the worst mistakes we could make. We have no right to complain about the moral decline of our nation if we don't vote.

Many times people resort to picketing in front of government buildings to express their opposition to a decision made by a public official. However, picketing only makes a small impact compared to voting.

Voting is one of the most powerful ways to take a stand against ungodliness. It is the voice that counts and the one that makes a real difference.

I am a sold-out preacher of the Gospel; however, just because I preach doesn't mean that I should keep quiet when it comes to political affairs. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but my voice will be heard, whether I speak in the pulpit or at the polls.

My vote is my voice, especially when specific legislation threatens the progression of the kingdom of God.

If you have followed my ministry career for any length of time, you know that I don't compromise or mince words when it comes to right versus wrong. It's wrong to allow sneaky politicians to remain in office while we do nothing.

I don't care what they say about the so-called "separation of church and state." I am not going to remain quiet while politicians in my state and around the world diligently work around-the-clock to deny the church of God its civil rights.

A Vote With Purpose
Many people, including Christians, are often reluctant to get involved in politics. Their attitude is, "My vote really doesn't make a difference, so why bother?"

This attitude of indifference upsets me. Try telling the many men and women who fought and died for the right to vote that voting is not everyone's responsibility. Tell them that their efforts were in vain.

Understanding the value of voting requires a renewed mindset. You and I cannot think that our votes don't make much of a difference. As believers, we must embrace change if we desire to see a change in the social and political arenas.

This is the season for change as it relates to God's agenda in the earth concerning politics and the body of Christ. I like what Ecclesiastes 3:1 says about times and seasons: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Notice that King Solomon mentions "purpose." Voting has a purpose.

Because of the policy of separation of church and state, the church world has, for the most part, left politics to ungodly men and women. God never intended for governments to be independent of His influence.

It does not matter that there are officials who oppose any type of biblical influence in politics. As far as I'm concerned, God still has a place in government. Psalm 33:12 says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...."

Voting is a way for us to keep God in government. It's going to take prayer and voting to get the job done. Prayer indeed changes things; however, our prayers plus our votes can make a tremendous impact at the local, state and national levels.

There once was a time when the body of Christ influenced the profile of governments—especially in the United States. America's founding fathers were predominantly men of God who understood the importance of governing their country based on biblical principles. From Samuel Adams to Thomas Jefferson, many of them were very vocal when establishing "one nation under God."

For example, Samuel Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote: "Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual...he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country."

What about John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States? He once said, "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."

You can't get any plainer than that!

God's purpose for our voting is to put men and women in leadership who will uphold His standards of godliness. Haven't you noticed that sinners vote for their own? In other words, they support politicians who make it easier for them to continue living sinful lifestyles.

For example, a homosexual will vote for anyone who believes in "gay rights." Men and women who don't see anything wrong with abortion will vote for the person who advocates "pro-choice" decisions, including partial-birth abortions.

Therefore, if sinners can vote for their people, we can surely vote them out and put God's people in their places.

Voting God In
The Lord is adamant about the types of people He wants in positions of political leadership. In fact, Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

The Amplified Bible talks about the "uncompromisingly" righteous being in authority. God wants His people in office. Why? These are the kind of leaders who won't operate according to situational ethics. They won't compromise godliness just to please others when the situation calls for it.

The bottom line is that God wants people in office whom He can trust to do His will. Who better than a man or a woman on whom the Lord can rely? First John 4:4 says that the Greater One (God) lives in us.

This tells me that we should make every effort to support those in the political arena who live for the Greater One. By voting for godly men and women, we'll ultimately be voting God into office.

Forget The Party Lines
For some Christians, going to the polls isn't the issue; it's how to vote that has become a problem. I say this because many believers are clueless as to what the Word of God says concerning voting for leadership.

Some people vote solely based on tradition. Their parents voted for one party, so they vote along the same party lines. The belief is, "Forget about who is running for office, as long as they are in the same party!"

For years, many African Americans have voted primarily for Democratic candidates. The mentality has been, "The Democrats want to help the poor, while the Republicans just want to help the rich get richer."

Or maybe you've heard that Republicans generally hold Christian values, so vote Republican. This isn't necessarily true.

If you vote based on party lines, you are voting in error. I'll go as far as to say that you had better change your thinking, or else God will hold you responsible for the wickedness that you allow into the government.

This is a hard statement, but I am thoroughly convinced that voting is a covenant issue. You may not have thought of this subject in this light, but it's true.

A covenant is simply "an agreement between two parties to carryout the terms agreed on." As it relates to voting, when you vote for a candidate, you are expressing your agreement with his or her views.

In exchange for your vote, the candidate agrees to carry out his or her duties while in office. Therefore, for you to vote solely along party lines is to potentially vote for someone who could oppose godly values.

Don't tell me that the Lord won't hold you responsible for voting in someone who thinks it's OK to abort babies. Don't tell me that He will overlook it when you vote for someone who opposes the rights of churchgoers.

What about the person who thinks homosexuals should have the same marital rights as traditional unions? Is that OK just as long as you vote for "the lesser of two evils"? After all, if the candidate helps the economy or helps your business to expand, you should vote for him or her, right?

That's another thing. Do not vote for politicians based on your selfish motives. Just because they promise to "look out" for you once they get in office doesn't mean they deserve your vote. I am cautious never to vote for anyone with strings attached.

I don't support candidates who only contact me during election time so that I can show my support. I'm no fool. Many of them want my public endorsement because of the size of my congregation.

Vote The Bible Way
My conviction is deep-seated and based on the Word of God. As with anything that I do in life, I allow the Bible to be the lamp that illuminates my path (Ps. 119:105).

Without the marvelous light of God's Word shinning bright in our lives, we would all be living in darkness, no different than the way unsaved people live.

The Bible provides clear instructions on how to vote God's way. Take Exodus 18 for example. Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, detailed to Moses how leaders should be appointed over God's people.

Verses 21-22 say, "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers...And let them judge the people at all seasons...."

Notice what the basic biblical criteria for leaders are:
  1. They must be able to get the job done
  2. They must fear (or revere) God with their lives
  3. They must walk in truth
  4. They must hate covetousness
I encourage you to research the political career of the candidates before the November elections. There's still time.

Then, once you have found a potential candidate to support with your vote, pray for him or her and for God's direction (1 Tim. 2:1). Remember, it's an informed voter that's makes a difference, so become one!

Creflo Dollar Ministries
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