Our work is very important to God. Unfortunately, there are a lot of teenagers who don't even think seriously about work until they get out of high school or even college, but now is the time to develop good work habits in your life.

A strong work ethic will virtually ensure success in any career you choose.

Here are five critical things God's Word has to say about work:
  1. If you don't work, you won't eat (2 Thess. 3:10). Work is the exchange God has created for all of us to gain finances to provide for our daily needs. God didn't say to pray, hope, or beg—He said to work.
  2. We are to work as if our bosses were Jesus—not human beings (Eph. 6:5). Even when the boss isn't looking, the Lord sees all that you do.
  3. Our work should produce good fruit and results (Col. 1:10). Don't just put in the time, but learn how to get results.
  4. If we're faithful and consistent in the small things in our jobs, we'll be promoted to bigger tasks and responsibilities (Matt. 25:23).
  5. A worker is worthy of his or her pay (Matt. 10:10). You should be paid fairly for your work; and once you've agreed on a wage, you have no right to complain about your pay. Be cheerful!
Four Types Of People Who Constantly Get Fired
I have been in the workforce for more than 20 years and have never been fired from a job. Unfortunately, along the way, I have seen many others who worked alongside me suffer this difficult experience. Most of the time, they had no one but themselves to blame. Many of these people fall into one of the following four categories:
  1. Those who cannot receive instruction or correction. Instead of acknowledging their shortcomings and making the appropriate changes, they overflow with pride and refuse to listen.
  2. Those who cause strife in the team. They may be talented and diligent workers, but they allow jealousy, competitiveness, and hunger for power to sabotage their abilities.
  3. Those who refuse to continue to grow and improve. These people accept mediocrity and will not pay the price to increase their knowledge and ability to perform at their highest level.
  4. Those who are untruthful. No matter how talented a person is, the individual cannot help an organization if he or she cannot be trusted.
Source: Every Teenager's Little Black Book on Cash
by Blaine Bartel.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers