Heavenly Father, may all revere Thee, and become Thy dutiful children and faithful subjects.
- Benjamin Franklin

During the late Ronald Reagan's presidency, the First Lady, Nancy Reagan, began her campaign against drugs. The slogan, "Just Say No," is still used today. No is usually one of the first words a baby will say. They repeat what they often hear. The word no is ingrained in us from childhood.

Yes is a word we learn much later. A dear friend of mine was taught by her southern parents to say, "Yes, ma'am," and "Yes, sir," whenever she was given a command. But today we hear no, more than yes. We have almost forgotten yes—the word of surrender.

In order to receive all God has for us, we must learn to say yes to Him. One of the most precious songs to come out of the Church is a reminder of that word of surrender. "Yes Lord, Yes, Lord, Yes, Lord, Yes, Yes, Yes."

"Yes" means I will, I do, I agree. One church I attended even placed the words over the doors of each church exit, "Yes, Lord." We were constantly reminded to commit our will to the will of God for our lives.

It is time for the Church of the living God to come back to the condition of YES. You may have given your life to God, but still have difficulty in saying yes to His will, or yes to His way.

Speak to your soul in the words of the familiar old chorus, "I say yes, Lord, yes. From the bottom of my heart, from the depths of my soul, Yes, Lord, completely yes. My soul says yes."

"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God" (2 Cor. 1:20 NIV).

Source: Mission 3:16 Devotional by Carman.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing