I believe there's a great need today among wives of ministers for practical information. I want to share some practical information with you in this article, and I especially want to concentrate on the area of pastoral ministry.

Did you know that you are privileged to be called to the ministry? I know there are times when you really wonder if it is a privilege, but I want to assure you that it is!

I'm certain you have already experienced some of the pressures that come with the ministry. Pressures will always be a part of your ministry, but you can learn how to handle them if you acquaint yourself with some of the practical aspects of the ministry and prepare well in advance.

I'm not going to tell you that it's easy, because the ministry is not an easy task. It's an awesome responsibility, but I can't think of any other calling that is more rewarding!

There will be times when you'll be tempted to become discouraged. When those times come, I suggest that you meditate on Romans 11:29: "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance."

This verse has meant a great deal to me through the years and has brought me through some difficult times. The Amplified Bible says:
For God's gift and His call are irrevocable—He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.
So know that you can't quit in times of discouragement, because God never changes His mind about those whom He has called. Your husband is called, and you are called.

Remember that behind every successful husband and behind every successful minister, there is a good wife. As a good wife, there will be times when you'll have to remind your husband of his call. There will be times when you will be your husband's only support.

For example, if he doesn't do as well as you know he can in delivering a sermon, don't tell him. He already knows it! What he needs at that moment is your support. You'll need to encourage him. Build confidence into him! Learn now how to deal with the negative in a positive way, because that's what counts.

The ministry is the most rewarding profession in the world, and I would not trade it for any other. But you must realize that there are times when you'll have to rise to new challenges and encourage yourself in the Lord.

For instance, people may say things that hurt you. There may be times when you are criticized, and you'll realize that not everyone likes you. Or people may be jealous of you—and let you know it! Also, you'll probably make some mistakes in the ministry.

But it's so important that you and your husband don't both become discouraged at the same time. If you're both down, who will lift you up? It will be during the difficult times that you and your husband will have to learn to encourage each other.

It's your duty and responsibility to always be your husband's biggest fan, friend, and supporter. You may be the one who either keeps him in the ministry or causes him to leave the ministry. Your attitude is so important! There are many men who are not in the ministry today because they had a wife who didn't encourage them when they needed it and who didn't remind them of their calling and responsibility to God.

It requires all the attributes of a godly woman to be a minister's wife. And whether you like it or not, as a minister's wife you do live in a glass house. Sometimes it's not fun, but you just learn to make the best of every circumstance.

You won't be able to wallow in self-pity because you are criticized. Just turn unjust criticism to your advantage by realizing that if you weren't doing something good, the enemy wouldn't try to defeat you with the criticism of others. That's an example of how you can make every circumstance a positive situation.

As a minister's wife, you'll also have to be careful how you dress. Always dress modestly. You can be fashionable yet modest. I normally dress conservatively because I don't want what I'm wearing to detract from what I'm saying.

Learn to wear clothes that accentuate your best qualities. You can be in style without trying to look like a teenager. Look your age. There is nothing so attractive as a woman who is growing older gracefully. So dress modestly, but do take pride in how you look. As the pastor's wife, you are the example that other women will follow.

This brings up another point: As the pastor's wife, it is important that you become involved in the activities of the church. This doesn't mean that you have to do everything yourself. Obviously, you don't have time to do everything yourself.

But remember, you're the "first lady" of that church. The other women of the church should follow your example. If you aren't the example they need, they'll end up looking to other women in the church to be their role models. But if your husband is the pastor, you're the example they need to follow.

Not only should you be involved in the church activities, but in the women's functions, you should be a leader. You may think you are not a leader. But who says you're not? The Word of God certainly doesn't! The Word says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Phil. 4:13). You can do anything in Christ that you set your mind to accomplish!

As a pastor's wife, you are a leader. You just don't know it yet! If you don't think you have the wisdom to become a leader, all you have to do is ask God. He'll give you the wisdom and knowledge you need to fulfill your responsibilities (James 1:5).

When I look back to the time when my husband and I first entered the ministry, it's amazing to me how much ability and wisdom I thought I didn't have. But when I asked the Lord for the grace and the wisdom to be a good pastor's wife, He gave it to me!

Source: The Pastoral Ministry Manual by Kenneth Hagin Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publication