If you are considering becoming an usher, you are about to embark on one of the greatest and most challenging areas of ministry in the Church today. Your responsibilities can be summed up in five words - leaders, greeters, meeters, seaters and helpers.

There is never a dull moment when you commit to this area of the Helps Ministry.

You will not only assist the pastor in accomplishing the goals for the congregation, but you will function in a crucial public relations role for the church. Your love for serving others and commitment to excellence in this area will manifest much fruit in the lives of others.

What About Women Ushers?
I am often asked, "Can women be ushers?" We are all unique in the body of Christ. We all have a place and a purpose.

Yes, a woman can function in the usher's ministry. There are many situations in ushering where a man's presence can create a negative reaction.

For instance, in dealing with a woman trying to comfort a crying baby in the service, you would have to agree that a female usher would be more sensitive and understanding than a male usher.

I have seen at times that a wall goes up when a male usher tries to approach a woman in a situation like this. Also, during times of prayer ministry at the altar, the female usher can assist women and children in a far greater way than any male usher.

Haven't you heard that when God created man, He was in a hurry and as a result, we still have a few rough edges. But when He created woman, He took His time and did it right!

When a husband and wife serve together in an usher's ministry, it portrays to the congregation and to visitors that they are a part of a family church.

I am a firm believer there should be a distinction between men and women when it comes to physical matters. Let me give you an example.

During offering time, I would have the ladies handing out the envelopes, the men would be passing the buckets. During communion (what a great time to display the family unit), I would have the ladies passing the bread and the men passing the juice.

I believe within the usher's ministry, if there is coffee or any preparation for the guest speakers, this would be a great opportunity for the ladies to minister.

Finally, in Romans chapter 16, Paul asks the church to recognize those ladies who minister faithfully in the body of Christ. What a wonderful scriptural example for the church today.

Source: Ushering 101 by Buddy Bell
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers