Never before in church history have "End Time" prophesies been fulfilled as they are at this present time. We have witnessed more than half a century of prophetic fulfillment and the process continues daily.

Every facet of world affairs is now a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. There can be no question that we are living in the "Time of the End". Jesus states in Luke 21:28-29 that, "the budding of the fig tree" is the key prophetic event that identifies the season in which He will appear. He, according to the Holy Scripture, appears in the air to remove the righteous from earth to heaven prior to the beginning of the tribulation. Presently, the activities of more than 60 nations are daily bringing about the fulfillment of prophecy. The carnal nature of mankind is adding to prophetic fulfillment. Even the weather is getting into the act.

In Luke 17:26-30, Jesus prophesies the world's economy prior to His appearing. He declares a robust economy as prior to Noah's flood and the destruction of Sodom in Lot's day (See Genesis 6 & 19 and Matthew 24:45-47). A strong economy is necessary so that the end time church has money in abundance with which to win masses of souls. We must be able to use every possible vehicle and medium for the propagation of the gospel.

Deuteronomy 8:18 states, "And you shall remember the LORD, your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."

The weather is helping "SET THE STAGE." Numerous times in scripture an upheaval of nature accompanies an event. I am convinced that present day weather is also joining the many voices and events that focus on the appearing of Jesus.

As you know, our God is a God of divine order. Never does He do anything out of order. However, look at the mess the world is in today because man is refusing God's ways.

Our own nation is in the worst shape of its illustrious history. Godless liberals have gained the upper hand and our nation is out of control. Presently we have one, reared in Islam, running for president and a liberal woman running for President. I can remember a time in American history in which one did not run for public office if they were not at least a good member of a Christian church.

If ever there was a time for us preachers and ministers to pray through, get filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the Word with BOLDNESS, it is now!

The stage is not only being set for the appearing of Jesus, but for the glorious church to come on stage prior to His appearing. It is time for all believers to renew their commitment to the LORD and get personally involved with the sending forth of God's good news.

I am praying for Holy Ghost conviction to come heavily on all of us ministers and the believing community. Such conviction, if properly accepted, will enable us to bring forth the glorious church. The glorious church operates with twice the anointing of the early church! Supernatural signs will be everywhere.

Everything prophesied for setting the stage for the appearing of Jesus is almost in place. In fact, the play is underway. Act one was the beginning of the restoration of Israel in 1948. Act two involves the coming together of the nations that will put the antichrist in power, which began in 1957 in Europe. Act three has brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of Russia. Act four has seen the increasing economic growth in many places around the world. Act five is the swift growth of China and its movement toward a super power.

The United States continues its Bible roles as sponsor of Israel (Gen. 12:3), God's arm of evangelism (Mark 16:15), and peace maker (Matthew 5:9). All these roles are very demanding and costly. Pray for your country and its troubled leadership.

The one major act to complete the program, is the coming on stage of the end time anointed church with unity and signs following, reaping a worldwide harvest of souls.

Remember, John records a prayer of Jesus in the seventeenth chapter in which He requests the unity of His followers. It must be fulfilled and we can hasten the event.