"Add to your faith virtue" (1 Peter 1:5). I see virtue being like the hot sauce of faith. Chicken just does not taste right to me unless I can add some hot sauce to it!

Some folks say I don't really know what chicken tastes like because I am always smothering it in hot sauce. But I don't want to know what chicken tastes like without that hot sauce!

The word virtue in the Greek means moral goodness, moral excellence. In other words, it is saying you are to add morality to your faith.

You can believe God and have the faith to move mountains and speak the Word only; but if, at the same time, you are living an immoral life, you will stumble and fall, even with all your faith!

You can be a great giant of faith, who is able to believe God for healing, prosperity and all sorts of things. But you will still stumble and fall unless you are living a morally excellent life.

Do you know what morals are? I remember some words of Kenneth Hagin at Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He said, "Some people have the morals of a back-alley cat."

People can sit in church and soak up the Word of God, then go out into the world and soak up something else.

If you are moral, you won't get AIDS. If you are living morally, you won't wind up in jail. If morality really means something to you, you will live accordingly.

Being moral means following the law. What law? God's law. His standards of what right living truly is as laid out in His Word.

Source: Success Strategies From Heaven by Keith Butler.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers