Another sign of immaturity is unfruitful quiet times. People start reading their Bibles and praying because they know it is the right thing to do or they heard that other teenagers do it, but soon they find themselves just going through the motions.

They read their Bible, shut it, and forget what they read. Or they pray about a couple things that are important to them. For example, "Lord, please help me to get that new pair of shoes. Lord, please help my hair to get right." Then they go on with the rest of their day.

They think they're doing everything they're supposed to do to be a mature Christian, yet they don't understand why they feel so weak.

Just going through the motions and having a quiet time doesn't make you stronger. You have to do the right things in your quiet time. If you have a quiet time but don't do the right things to really build yourself up, you get the illusion that you're a strong Christian.

Just because you're taking 15 minutes or a half hour or an hour every day, you aren't automatically strong. When you do the right things in your quiet time, you come out of it feeling like you have pumped iron. You are strong.

Again, people get disillusioned because they feel like they have done everything to get strong but still are not strong. Why keep having quiet times? It doesn't do any good to have a quiet time if you're not really connecting with God.

You can't just say, "Well, I read that Bible verse and nothing ever really happened. I read that chapter of Scripture like I do every day and nothing happened."

Instead, you have to take that Word and begin to cram it down your throat like we talked about already - meditate on it, memorize it, chew on it all day long, write it on a card, and take it with you.

It's time for serious Christians to stand up and say, "You know what? I'm tired of going through the motions and pretending I'm mature just because I'm doing this act. I'm only mature if I take what I read and apply it to my life and begin to do it."

Remember, maturity is not measured just by the things you do or how old you are. It is measured by how obedient you are to do the things that you learn and the things that you read in the Bible.

Think about this, For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword...(Heb. 4:12).

God's Word is living and active, but if you just let it breeze through your brain, it doesn't have enough time to explode and become life on the inside of you.

Source: Mature Christians Are Boring People...and Other Myths About Maturity in Christ by Ron Luce.
Excerpt permission granted by Teen Mania