For most of us, our biggest problem is that we don't like ourselves. We don't believe God loves us, or that anyone else loves us for that matter.

We think, How could they - I'm such a mess? If you believe that you are nasty and ugly, then you are going to think, look and act nasty and ugly. You can't rise above the image of yourself that's in your heart.

My biggest problem used to be that I didn't like myself, and I spent at least 75 percent of my time trying to change myself. I thought I talked too much, so I tried to be quiet. But then if I was quiet, I would get depressed, and everyone would want to know why I was quiet. Then I would think, But you told me I had a big mouth. Leave me alone. I'm just trying to be quiet.

I can't tell you how many years I went through that. And still I was always getting into trouble with my mouth. A lot of people who are real talkers are married to partners who are real quiet. That just shows up your big mouth even more, and the devil will constantly remind you of it. And that's called condemnation.

God wants you to be free from condemnation, but it takes faith and boldness to be free. Do you know that no matter how guilty you feel it is not going to pay for one thing you did wrong? It is real tough to believe that God loves you when you have done something wrong.

The whole time the devil is beating on you and beating on you with thoughts about how bad and nasty and ugly you are. "You've done it now," he says. "Who do you think you are? God is never going to bless you, you dirty old thing, you. You couldn't witness to anybody now. You can't do anything right."

That's when it takes the boldness to rise up in your inner man and say, "Father, I made a mistake, and I ask you by the blood of Jesus to forgive me. I'm sincere in my heart, I want your forgiveness. Devil, you take a hike. Jesus paid for my sin, and it's none of your business."

Then, you just go on and be happy, be joyful. But you are probably thinking, "I keep doing the same stupid thing over and over and over." I used to think that, too, until I stopped being condemned about it. When you stop being condemned about what you have done, you will stop doing it.

Guilt and condemnation keep you weighed down and depressed to the point that you can't be free. It takes a bold person not to be condemned. You have to be bold and operate in faith and rise up and say no to guilt.

The devil will tell you, "Do you mean you're not even going to feel bad about that? Why, you ought to at least feel bad for a few hours. That was really a bad thing you did." All you say is, "No, I'm sure not. I'm not going to feel bad about it at all."

The first few times are tough, but it only takes three or four times, and you get the hang of it.

In Isaiah 53, verses 5-6 and 11, the Amplified Bible tells us that when Jesus took our sins for us that He also bore the guilt (and that includes condemnation). The devil doesn't want you to be free from condemnation. Why? Because if you are condemned, you can't really bask in the love of God.

Condemnation separates you from God and comes down between you and God like a steel wall. You can't see Father God when you are standing in guilt. All you can see is the guilt and the sin in front of you.

Walk free of condemnation and believe that when God said His grace was sufficient to cover even your sin, He meant it. He loves you, and His grace and forgiveness are free gifts. Receive them today!

God loves you!

Source: Tell Them I Love Them by Joyce Meyer
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers