A spiritual battle rages over the presidential position even now. Satan is always trying to tell people that their vote won't matter, that their one vote won't make a difference.
We can never underestimate the importance of these elections, or the role our single vote plays in them. Elections establish the spiritual climate of this nation's government. What we do or don't do regarding them will have a direct effect on the affairs of this world.

Our involvement, or lack of it, will be the key factor in whether or not revival fires will burn hot or smolder across this land. I am very serious about this issue. I hope that the words I write will have a profound effect on you today.

We must never forget that the liberty we have to preach the gospel is directly related to our government. As a result, we are exhorted in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 to pray for those in authority "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."

It is our responsibility to see that godliness is projected through our government.

The Bible plainly tells us in Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 that all authority has been ordained by God for the good of mankind. The Almighty delegated the chain of command over the earth to man, and this God-given authority is exercised through the institution and organizational structure of government.

It is necessary for Christians to vote and take an active part in governmental affairs to satisfy the purpose for which God created the government.

We are to be actively involved in upholding His standards. By voting, we can preserve the freedom we now possess to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20).

Together, as Christians, we can influence our nation.

A spiritual battle rages over the presidential position even now. Satan is always trying to tell people that their vote won't matter, that their one vote won't make a difference. But that is a lie from the devil himself. Don't listen to his deceptions!

In recent presidential elections, there have been millions of born-again, Holy Ghost-baptized, professing, believing Christians who weren't even registered to vote. The vote is a God-given privilege—a gift the Lord has given us.

Don't throw it in His face by failing to take advantage of it! Just think what a mighty army for God we would be if we all went to the polls this year. We could determine the outcome of elections with our votes if we only would.

It is your responsibility as a believer to get involved in the affairs of your country. God wants this great land of ours, and the only way He's going to get it is through His ambassadors—you and I.

Make sure you go to the polls! Don't let the affairs of your life pull you away from the voting booth.

The time has come for Christians to be counted both in prayer and at the polls. If we band together, we can prevent the wickedness in high places from ruling our nation. So, let your voice be heard!

Excerpt permission granted by
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka:  Kenneth Copeland Ministries