Do you sense a desire deep within your heart to experience more of the living God?
A great move of God's Spirit has begun in the church today. We are right on the edge of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit mankind has ever known.

This is a time for the people of God to seek Him with all their hearts like never before—not out of duty, but out of desire for the living God.

As for me, I can honestly say that I don't seek God out of a sense of duty, nor because I want to develop self-discipline. I seek Him because I love Him. The presence of almighty God fills my soul.

I don't know how Jesus could become more dear or more near to me, and yet I'm so hungry for more of Him! I just want to know God in a deeper and more intimate way.

It's never been enough for me to just have God's power and glory in my life. I also want to be like Jesus. Whatever qualities Jesus possesses, that's what I want to possess. I want to be like Him in personality. I want to be like Him in character. When people see me, I want them to see Jesus.

To be like Jesus is my highest calling. It's the highest calling of every believer, because the only Jesus the world will ever see is the Jesus in us. We are His hands and His feet on this earth.

We are His mouthpiece to the world. Therefore, we have to be transformed into His image so the world can see Him in us and be saved.

This has always been the emphasis of my life and ministry. But how about you? Do you sense a desire deep within your heart to experience more of the living God? Do you want His presence to become more real to you than your next breath?

God's Spirit is moving, and you don't have to miss out on a minute of it. You can discover the sweetness of walking in His presence every day of your life!

Source: Renewed In His Presence by Lynne Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers