The peace, which comes from the Word of God, is such a powerful force for overcoming every trial and temptation Satan puts in your way. You should begin right now using it daily. Confess the following every day:
In the name of Jesus, I am troubling my trouble. I declare right now that I will see that I be not troubled. I will let not my heart be troubled. I will use the force of peace. I will have security in the midst of turmoil. I will pursue peace. I will live in peace. And the peace of God, which passes all my understanding, will sustain me. The promoter and the author of peace will be with me.

I thank You, Lord, that because I have my mind stayed on the Word of God, I have the peace of God. In Jesus' name, I am going to hold on to that Word. And by holding on to the Word of God, I will hold on to the peace of God. No matter what trouble comes, peace will remain because my God has given me a covenant of peace. He has sworn by Himself. His Word is my security, and in His Word I have peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Source: How To Trouble Your Trouble by Creflo A. Dollar, Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers