How do I give life to the Word that I have heard? I just stay in the Word until the roots start growing. I don't know how long it will be before the roots develop.

I never could tell how long it would be before those little pieces of plants my mother put in the jars of water would develop roots. It didn't look like anything was happening for months and months. Then all of a sudden, one day little roots would be floating around in the water.

It's the same way with the Word of God. You have to stay in the Word until the roots grow. Just let the water of God's Word continue to remain in your life. Then one day, you'll look up and see that you have a root and that you have the life of God in you. Now you're ready to plant it and receive the fruit of it.

Do you see where you may have been missing it? You can't just hear a sermon or read a certain passage of Scripture and say, "Well, glory to God, I've got that" - and then go out and forget it in the next two days.

You have to live with that Scripture. You have to live with it. You have to stay with that Word until it develops roots and the fruit comes.

Instead of trying to read a different Scripture every day, take the area of your life that needs work. If it's your health that needs work, get all the Scriptures on healing and live with them until the fruit of healing is produced. If you have financial problems, stay with Scriptures on prosperity and provision until they bear fruit in your finances.

If you need deliverance, get the Word of God on deliverance. Read those Scriptures over every day. Confess them out loud. Study them. Listen to CDs that teach on them.

Don't quit until you get results. Just stay in the water of the Word until you're healed and prosperous and delivered. The key to breakthrough is consistency. You have to stay with the Word until it begins to consistently bear fruit in your life.

Get a piece of the Word that speaks to the area of your need, put it in the water and then stay there - for months or even years if you have to. Just stay with it. Stay with it until it produces.

Source: How To Trouble Your Trouble by Creflo Dollar
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers