There's a reason to keep our eyes on God and His Word in the midst of trouble—it helps us remember that God Himself never gets weary. He never faints or gives up. He is in control over the entire universe. And He has promised that no matter how long we have to wait for the manifestation of what we're believing Him for, as long as we're serving Him while we're waiting, our waiting will never be in vain.

In Isaiah 40:28 it says, "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?"

Isn't it good to know that we have a God in heaven who will not give up, will not quit and will not cave in? What a perfect person to make a covenant with, especially when you and I are capable of quitting, giving up, and caving in. It would seem only right to cut covenant with somebody who won't cave in, give up and quit. In heaven we have a God who never faints and never gets weary. You can't weary God. Glory to God!

Sometimes we're tempted to think God must be awfully tired of us and all our troubles. We think, "God must be getting tired of listening to me. He probably doesn't want to have anything else to do with me. God's fed up with me." Child of God, do you really think your little trouble in your hard time can weary God? How could it? His mercy endures forever. That word endure means "to outlast," so that means that His mercy will outlast any trouble.

Anything that you throw at God He can outlast just for the joy of seeing you come into His arms one day and give your life to Him saying, "Lord, I'm yours. Everything I have, everything I've got, everything I am and everything I'm not—I'm yours."

Source: How to Trouble Your Trouble by Creflo A. Dollar, Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers