Do you want to advance? Do you want to move from where you are now to a higher level? Then you want promotion, or "an advance in station, rank or honor; an increase in growth or prosperity."

Now, you may think that promotion is nothing more than a better-paying position at your workplace. But this is not entirely true. Promotion is not just limited to employment. In fact, it can manifest in a variety of ways; for example, moving from an apartment to a house, obtaining a new car or receiving more responsibility on the job.

Promotion comes from God, and He has no limits. Psalm 75:6-7 says, "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another." You must change your mindset in order to experience promotion in every area of your life.

Here are four keys to help you position yourself to receive from God:

  1. Purpose
    Purpose in your heart that God is El Elyon - the Most High God (Psalm 92:8). Understand that since nothing is higher than God, everything must surrender to His authority. Demonstrate your recognition of Him as the Most High through your obedience to His Word.
  2. Prayer
    Commit to spending quality time with God in prayer. It's vitally important that you have an intimate relationship with the Father. Constant communication is the key to receiving clear direction. After you have petitioned God to move on your behalf, expect Him to respond to you (Psalm 18:6,17).
  3. Perception
    Be attentive to God. As you spend time with Him daily, He will reveal hidden things to you and guide you down the path to success and prosperity (Daniel 2:23). Keep in mind that your communion with God amplifies your spiritual senses. He will pull the blinders off your eyes and show you the strategies of the devil. So be sensitive to God's voice.
  4. Power
    Exercise the power God has given you to accomplish His plans and purposes. God has given you gifts and abilities to promote His kingdom throughout the world (Daniel 2:47-49). Avail yourself to Him and He will exalt you.
By employing these dynamic principles in your life on a daily basis, you enable the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God - the anointing - to come in and promote you to higher levels of faith, confidence and abundance. Purpose in your heart to allow God to increase you more and more (Psalm 115:14).

Apply the four "P's" and expect the Most High God to elevate you as never before!

Copyright © World Changers Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.