The "Comfort Zone" is a place that maintains the knowledge of God, but seeks an easier pathway that is free from conflict.

Yet, if the time ever comes that you are living in the "Comfort Zone," you will find that it has a misery of its very own. That's right, the "Comfort Zone" becomes a miserable place.

God created each of us with a destiny and a purpose in life. Romans chapter eight tells us,
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.
(Rom. 8:28)
As you read on, vs. 29-30 informs us that those whom God foreknows, He predestinates to be conformed to the image of Christ. Those whom He predestinates, He calls, He justifies, and He glorifies.

God has big plans for those who are "called according to His purpose." The sad thing is, many people are so caught up in their own, personal "Comfort Zone," that they never realize that God has a specific purpose for their lives.

Take Up Your Purpose
If you are a child of God, God has big plans and purpose for your life. First Corinthians, chapter 14 teaches that God put the body of Christ together and places each one of us in the body as it pleases Him.

With this truth in mind, we must realize that we have an exact place and purpose in the body of Christ...designed and prepared by God...and when God creates something, it is always precise and perfect.

If you ever become bogged down in the "Comfort Zone," you will gradually decide that God's purpose for your life is not so important, and you will eventually give up on all that God has revealed to you regarding your purpose in life.

Then, one day, you will wake up and realize that you have no true, lasting fulfillment in life, you feel your life is worthless, your life doesn't matter, you are nothing.

That's when the misery sets in. The saddest predicament you will ever see in the life of a believer is when a person has no fulfillment in purpose for which to live.

How sad to see an individual whose spirit becomes broken because of unrealized potential. God has placed potential within your life and He wants you to realize and release that potential.

But, you must always remember one thing: "Your purpose is fulfilled in God and His purpose is fulfilled in you." It is a cooperative relationship. If you will cooperate with Him, He will fulfill your purpose in will be fulfilled and complete.

Your True Identity
There is one more truth that I want to share with you regarding your purpose in God: You must lose your identity in God, AND then, you will find your identity in God. Jesus said, "He that findeth his life shall lose it; and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it" (Matt. 10:39).

When you turn loose of all selfish ambitions and desires and give all of your potential to God, you will find true life and purpose in Him. That is when fulfillment will come. That is when your life will be complete.

As you have read these words, perhaps your spirit is crying out, knowing that you have unfulfilled potential in your life. If so, I encourage you, right now, to allow that cry from within to be verbalized and rise up to God, for He will hear that cry and respond to your pain and unrealized potential.

As you submit yourself to God, He will break the bondage of your "Comfort Zone" and remove you from your place of misery.

Now, I encourage you to do the one thing that will guarantee fulfillment. Pursue your purpose in life. Move closer to God and away from the misery of the "Comfort Zone."

Dwight Thompson Ministries
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