I'll never forget the time a preacher came up to me and said, "Brother Jesse, come here. I need to talk to you." I was thinking, Oh no, he wants to counsel with me. I very seldom counsel with people, because I'm not looking for counselors; I'm looking for comforters.

"Brother Jesse," he said, "come talk to me. I need to talk to you."

"About what?" I asked.

He took me by the arm and pulled me off to the side to some place private.

"Come here," he said.


"Come here," he said.

"What, what?" I said.

"Come over here," he said again.

"Look, bud, I'm over here as much as I can get over. What do you want, I say?"

"Just listen to me," he said. "I've got to tell you something. I've got a problem. I've got a real problem!"

"Yeah, I can tell!" I said. "That's what it looks like, man. What's the problem?"

"I've got a problem," he said, "With lust in my heart. Lust, lust, lust. You know what I'm saying? I've got a problem with women, you see. What should I do?" he asked.

"Tell your wife!" I told him. "She'll stop it."

When a man tells his wife that he's got lust in his heart for other women, she'll put a stop to that right away! No wife will let that go on.

"Just tell your wife," I said. "Your wife is your best friend. All you've got to do is tell her, and she will say, 'Come here. I'll take care of that.'"

"Oh, I can't do that," he said.

"Okay," I said, "I will. Hey-!"

"No, no, no, brother," he said. "Wait, wait, wait!"

It was too late. That man's wife had already heard me and had started to come over to where we were standing.

"Come here," I said. "Come here. I want you to listen to this. Your husband is looking at other women. He's got lust in his heart. What are you going to do about it?"

I just told her the way it was. I didn't mince any words or anything. I was honest about it, plain honest.

She heard that and said, "No problem. I can take care of that."

Now, why did I tell her that man's secret? I was trying to save his family. I was saving his children, and I was saving his life. Lust will tear up a marriage, but God is bigger than lust.

You don't have to have a problem with sin; sin should have a problem with you. The Bible says that the Greater One lives inside you (1 John 4:4). And if Jesus is on the inside of you, then He's greater than your problems.

Not too much later I asked that man how he was doing.

"Fine," he said.

No doubt his wife took care of that man's lust problem.

Source: Jambalaya for the Soul by Jesse Duplantis
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers