The more you talk back with the Scriptures when the devil brings negative feelings and thoughts, the more joy you will experience. Otherwise he will continually beat you over the head with fear, torment, guilt and condemnation.
Whenever the devil starts to bring condemnation on you, talk back with Scriptures. Say, "Now wait a minute...."

I know what I did was wrong, but I have repented. My sin is under the blood of Jesus Christ.

My righteousness is not based upon my doing everything right. I am right with God because He has made me righteous through the blood of Jesus. I believe in Jesus Christ, and I am delivered from guilt and condemnation.

My sin is forgiven. The guilt the devil is trying to heap on me has got to go. I am not living under this condemnation any longer. In Jesus' name.
(Based on 1 John 1:7,9)

The more you talk back with the Scriptures when the devil brings negative feelings and thoughts, the more joy you will experience. Otherwise he will continually beat you over the head with fear, torment, guilt and condemnation to keep you from enjoying life! I let the devil do that to me for years, but I don't let him do it anymore. Still, I continue to be amazed at the things I realize I'm dreading!

I saw this recently when I was getting a facial. Someone gives me facials to be a blessing to me. They are so relaxing, and I feel so good when they are over. The woman who does them has you wear a terry cloth towel as a wrap. I was so comfortable and was enjoying the experience so much, I looked over at the clothes I had worn to the appointment and thought: "I dread putting on all those clothes and going home!"

I didn't want to move on to doing something else that I thought wouldn't be nearly as much fun or as enjoyable as continuing on with the facial. Dread not only took away from my enjoyment of the experience but also destroyed a lingering joy I could have taken with me!

When you are leaving something you enjoyed, the devil has a purpose: to move you right into dreading the next thing so that you will lose the benefit of taking the joy of the experience with you.

Note:  The minute we start dreading the next thing, we stop enjoying the last thing.

I see this with people who come to my meetings. At the beginning they are so excited to be there, but as we approach the close of the meeting, they start dreading the drive home.

Do you see how the devil uses dread in almost everything you do to steal your enjoyment of life? If you are like most people, there are only a few times in life when you feel as though you are really having a good time. Dread is a spirit of fear sent out from hell to bring destruction!

Source: Don't Dread! by Joyce Meyer
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers