An important area we need to deal with as we mature is how we talk about others. In the world in which we live it is so easy and even normal to cut other people down, talk bad about them, make fun of them, stab them in the back, and make ourselves look better than others—whether it's a leader, a friend, or our family members.

This world is constantly teaching us to do whatever we can to make other people look bad and to make ourselves look good. The Bible talks very clearly about this, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged" (Matt 7:1). It also talks about gossiping. Titus 3: 2 says, "slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men."

Speaking like a mature believer means holding our tongue while other people let their tongues fly. When others are cutting people down, we don't jump in the middle of it. We don't agree with them. When we see something bad about somebody else we don't state the obvious. If other people want to notice it, they can. Even if you find out something bad about somebody else that is true, you don't want to be a person who spread bad reports.

You have to ask yourself this question: What do you want emanating from your life? Do you want joy and peace? Do you want a godly aura of a Christian character? Or, do you want poison, venom, negativity, and a bad attitude emanating from your life? What you sow is what you reap. If you are the kind of person who spreads poison, then your poison will come back on you.

In addition, it's a sign of immaturity. As soon as children are able to talk, they start saying they want their way. If something goes wrong they blame somebody else, either a brother or a sister. They have no restraint. They have no control over their lips. They say whatever and slam whomever comes to mind.

Think about it. Are there people you have talked about in a negative way in the last week or two? Even if you know something negative and it's true, are you lifting other people up when you talk about it? Are you passing along gossip? Even if it's true gossip, it still is not a mature, godly thing to do.

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