When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting His own ideas; He will be telling you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future.
John 16:13, NLT
Would you like to know where you're going? The Lord wants to take you somewhere! Your future is not a mystery. The Holy Spirit knows all about the things to come. He is acquainted with every destination ahead of you. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will show us things to come. Have you intentionally listened lately to hear what He's saying about your future?

Have you experienced this dimension of the Holy Spirit's help in your life? Have you ever had that "inkling" or "knowing" about something to come? Perhaps the Lord gave you a "heads up" or a "sense" about some things or even a dream that you knew was from God. It's always wise to listen to the Spirit and follow His guidance.

There are countless stories of people who felt led to take a different route to work on a particular day only to discover that they may have missed a big accident. There are stories of those who worked in the World Trade Center buildings, yet had that inner sense that they should delay their arrival to work on 9/11, only to discover the Holy Spirit was protecting them. We've heard stories of those who sensed the Spirit telling them they should not board a particular flight, only to find out that particular plane crashed and many were killed. Others have "known" they should buy this piece of property or that; they should invest in this company or that stock; they should prepare for this and that—because the Holy Spirit gave them that supernatural "hunch" and they followed it.

The Lord doesn't always give us the entire story of full screen view on everything our future holds, but He does give us enough of a "peek around the future corner," so that we can make the decisions we need to make in the present. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit shows us things to come so that we pray and/or change our course; other times the Holy Spirit shows us things to come—not because they can be changed—but to encourage or prepare us for things that are coming.

There is great comfort in knowing the Holy Spirit is thoroughly versed in our future and willing to reveal it to us. He knows all about the rest of 2011, 2012, 2013 and beyond and if we will intentionally seek the Lord and listen to His voice, He will tell us the things He wants us to know about our future.

Say It:
Father, I thank You for the Holy Spirit and the way He shows me things to come. Lord, I ask You to show me whatever You want me to know regarding the rest of this year and beyond. I ask You to give me ears to hear, eyes to see and the wisdom I need to recognize and follow the Spirit's leading as He tells me the things I need to know about my future. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Beth Jones Ministries
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