A few years ago I reconnected with a friend from college. She was an advertising major and so incredibly articulate and insightful. Her imagination and creativity was inspiring. I had heard through the grapevine that after college she had gone to New York to work for a large advertising agency. I lost contact with her and always wondered what had become of my college friend.

I love her story and want to share it with you so that it might be an inspiration if you feel you’ve reached the glass ceiling in business or perhaps just feel lost in the circumstances of life…

Donna went to work for a prestigious advertising agency in the heart of Manhattan in the early 80’s. She was low-man on the totem pole and was content with that role. The boss gave most of the big accounts to the male execs and they, of course, did a fantastic job in landing some of the key accounts in the business world. Year after year she worked hard and knew she had greatness within her to contribute, but was always overlooked for most of the major projects.

One day in a meeting, the boss announced that they were putting together a pitch for a major soft drink company. It would be a huge financial success for the agency if they could reel in this high power account. All of the execs worked up a presentation, including Donna. But once again, one of the “star’s” ideas won out. Donna decided that her creativity was being overlooked and she did not receive the respect from her boss that she knew she deserved and desired. She put in her resignation and started looking for another job.

Donna joined another agency right away. It was smaller in size and prestige, but it was perfect for her. She pitched her proposal for the soft drink company to the new boss. He loved the idea and welcomed Donna’s unique creativity and fresh approach. Long story short, the boss took her idea to the soft drink company who had not yet chosen an ad campaign, they loved it, and that agency prospered from that day forward. Eventually Donna moved up within the male dominated ranks and wound up as president of the company. What a great success story!

Even though others may not see you as having much worth, the truth is that God sees you as priceless! You are valuable to God! And you are valuable here on this earth to someone out there who knows how to look deeply and envision the contributions you could make. Everyone has a gift and it’s a matter of matching your gift to the right people who can appreciate you for who you are and what you have to offer to the world.

Don’t give up hope! Start seeing yourself as worthy to give — to give love, to give ideas, to give your talents and creativity — whatever it is, God has the perfect plan for you and just like Donna, if you stay persistent in your dreams and prayers, then His favor will make a way for you to prosper. You are valuable!
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
(Luke 12:7)

Words to Heart Ministries, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.