We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but habit.
I don’t recall the exact source, but a few years ago, a study was conducted with individuals over 70 years of age. They were asked this question: if they could change anything in the way they had lived their lives, what would it be?

The answers were direct; three simple thoughts were revealed.

Number One: They would take more risks.
Have you ever thought . . . If only I had bought that property, taken that job, quit earlier, gone back to school, joined that group, etc.? As we go through life, each moment is unrecoverable—it’s gone forever. With that in mind, are you s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g to make those choices that feel uncomfortable? Think back to a time when a decision seemed like a big decision but later on, you looked back and said: Hey, what was the big deal?

Number Two: They would take more time off to relax.
Especially in today’s society, being still, quiet, or taking a time-out to reflect is rare. It seems we must always be doing something. Think about the next generation—where life will be based on seconds, not hours. Quick and immediate gratification is now the norm. With today’s global wireless communications, you can never have your own space. I admit to being a recovering workaholic. Every day I must address the issue of giving myself time.

Number Three: They would commit to something that would last beyond their lifetime.
These individuals, now 70, know that the number of their remaining days on this planet is less than the time they have already lived here. They were reflective, not only about making a difference now, but about making a difference beyond their time on this earth. Living on Purpose means as much about how you serve and help others, as it does about you personally.

Those three answers seem simple enough. I have learned to listen to the wisdom of maturity. Maturity has gone before us; it has credibility.

Action Steps
  1. Think back over the past 10 years. Write a list of all the things you would have done differently—with all the inherent risks you would have faced.
  2. Look at that list of “What ifs.” Do you see any concurrent themes running through them? Do you see an avoidance of risk-taking? For example, you might be great at taking any risk that does not involve money, but when money is involved, you freeze up. Perhaps money is not an issue. Can you note a theme where you haven’t reached for a promotion, job, or opportunity because of a certain fear?
  3. What beliefs, habits, or thoughts have held you back from making the decision you might have made? Be as clear as possible. Uncovering some of your limiting beliefs and habits can be a very powerful process. Outline two or three things you can do in the future to remove the block. Being ready in advance will make it much easier to put the new strategy into place.
  4. Caution: risk for risk’s sake is not appropriate here. Some people sabotage their lives by exposing themselves to unnecessary and destructive risk.
  5. Review your relaxation and time-out levels. Take account of your current status.
  6. Document your strategies to take time for yourself. Because I grew up on a dairy farm, taking time off was unheard of. Cows are a 365-days-a-year responsibility. A couple of years ago, I bought a recreational timeshare unit—not because it was such a great investment but because it forced me to take time off. Why? If I didn’t use my timeshare, I would lose it (and the investment) forever. That was enough motivation for me to stop work and leave town. I suggest that you set up the format that works best for you—there is no right or wrong; just do something that works.
  7. Finally, commit to something that lasts beyond your lifetime. If you don’t know what that is right now, put it on your Think List. Some of you are already clear and on purpose. How might you increase your legacy factor and impact? This is a process; let it percolate. It might be helpful to enter your thoughts and questions into a workbook that you select for this purpose.
Remember, change takes time—be easy on yourself while you go through the process. But do start now; don’t make the Action Steps just another “What If” in your life.

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