These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men." And he said to them: "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! … Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.
(Col. 3:15, NKJV)
Jesus didn't mince any words. He had a way of speaking the truth in love that penetrated the heart of the issue. Have you ever noticed that? Jesus was blunt. He was hard on those who chose tradition over Him!
As human beings, we have a way of "worshiping" things…even our traditions. Jesus wanted these religious leaders to know that God was most interested in their hearts…as reflected in their lives! He rebuked them for empty lips, vain worship, man's teachings and traditions of men. Have you noticed that Jesus was not a fan of tradition or religion? The reason was simple – religious tradition was robbing people of a legitimate relationship with the Lord. Religious leaders were sacrificing God's Word for the sake of tradition. What does that mean to us? It means…
If we find ourselves worshiping our religious traditions (rituals, liturgy, programs, style) at the expense of a heart-felt, personal relationship with the Lord…we need to ditch the tradition.
If we find ourselves holding to traditions (rote prayer, obligatory exercises, vain repetitions), that keep us from truly walking with Jesus Christ and His Word…we need to ditch the tradition.
If we find ourselves trusting in symbolic traditions (religious bling, "good luck" charms, religious tattoos or icons), more than actually living by and obeying God's Word…we need to ditch the tradition.
Jesus isn't looking for empty traditions; He's looking for a genuine, personal relationship. He's looking for people who will follow His Word.
Perhaps religious traditions have prevented you from experiencing all that God has for you. Are you willing to exchange those traditions for a personal relationship with Jesus? Are you ready to ditch some traditions and just take God at His Word?  If so…pray this…

Prayer: Father, I am sorry for worshiping my religious traditions more than You. I don't want empty lips, vain worship, man's teaching or the traditions of men to rob me of the authentic relationship You want to have with me. I make a decision to choose You and Your Word over any religious tradition. Jesus, I invite You to be the Lord of my life and I submit to Your Word. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Beth and Jeff Jones Ministries
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