The problem with porn is not that it is wrong or that it will bring a person down or even that it can destroy marriages and lives. The problem does not lie in the evil hearts of men or the dastardly deeds of the devil.

The problem is not the lack of information regarding its negative impact on individuals and families. After all, if the problem with pornography was simply that it was wrong and immoral, wouldn't every rational human stop looking at it?

If the real problem was that it was sinful and a gross misrepresentation of godly sex, wouldn't Christians flee the mere sight of it? Why is the pornography business worth over a billion dollars a year? Who is buying the stuff? Are there that many lascivious individuals in the world or are there actually rational, moral, loving husbands and wives buying and looking at pornography?

So, what's the real problem with porn?

If It Feels Good...
The true problem with pornography is that it feels good. Just like smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer, pornography has the same addictive nature.

People do things because they feel good (whether emotional, cognitive, or spiritual). Even a self-destructive behavior is done because it feels better than dealing with the current reality.

When a person does something that is totally unhealthy or wildly dangerous, he does it for a feeling. There is a rush and a "high" that goes with the deed. Even though shame, guilt, and condemnation always follow such a deed, the person continues to go back to it.

Pornography is addictive just like drugs and alcohol and it must be seen as such. It is not a little bad habit (although it begins that way) that draws the man or woman to it day after day, sneaking around, stealing money to get it, driving into the sleazy places to get a glimpse, or just logging on to the Internet.

Pornography feels good because sex is good. However, God created sex to be in the confines of marriage between a man and a woman. Satan saw a good thing and twisted it into something perverse.

I once went into a dumpster where I knew a magazine had been thrown away. I was rational, loving and moral, yet I threw all of that away to get a look at a picture. Why? It felt good.

When all the shame, guilt and condemnation jumped on my back, I screamed inside waiting for God to rip it off me, but I had to get rid of it myself with His help.

Why did I continue to go back to it if it was ruining my sex life with my wife? Why would I jeopardize my marriage for a bunch of dirty pictures? Why would a man bring such filth into a home?

Admit You Have A Problem
Admit it feels good and admit you have a problem.

Like other destructive behaviors, admitting you have a problem is extremely important. Many people stay bound and addicted because they refuse to admit there is a problem.

There were many times I vowed that I wouldn't look at porn for a week. When I failed (because I did not have the power to fulfill that vow within myself and by myself), I felt such condemnation and guilt; I felt like a complete failure, worthless.

It was pride that said, "I have the power by myself to overcome. I don't need anyone's help. I can handle it." Once I came to the realization that an addictive cycle to pornography was real and more powerful than me, I was then able to break it.

Now that you know that it feels good, or that the problem is that it feels good, now what do you do?

After you admit you have a problem, get yourself physically away from the source of temptation. Consider confiding in someone you trust, such as your spouse. The step that takes the longest is the breaking of the habits that control you, like looking at the magazine covers at the checkout lines.

If you are not already, get yourself hooked up with a local church and begin serving and tithing. The main thing to keep in mind is that God wants you free and he loves regardless of the problem.

The keys to breaking the addiction to pornography are taking the natural steps to break the habits that lead to the deed, renewing the mind, and confession of the problem with the help of the supernatural. The most powerful weapon in the fight against the problem with porn is hope: hope that freedom is real, attainable, and just around the corner.

Many people fight what they think is the problem with porn, instead of admitting that it feels good and that good feeling is a twisting of God's intent with sex. Once the true problem is determined, then the battle can begin.

The good news is, the war has been won. Jesus Christ, when he was nailed to the cross, had all sin, sickness, disease, shame, including pornography, placed on him. When Jesus died, he brought all that bad stuff into Hell, kicked the devil's butt, and left it all there.

Then, Jesus rose from the dead. In His rising, we have life. Jesus became sin and sickness, disease and poverty, and pornography and addiction so that we would not have to have it.

In order to take a hold of these benefits, you must believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. The Bible goes on to say "whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom. 10:13), so call on Him as you enter freedom.

Copyright © Answer The Call Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.