Many man-made traditions are based upon wrong beliefs. These traditions teach you to settle for the tradition instead of believing for the fullness and richness of God.

People who are more than conquerors and triumphant in Christ should never settle for the compromise of worthless traditions. Reject the limits of man-made traditions that keep God from operating in your life.

Receive the fullness of God and His richness in every area of your life. Do not settle for the hollow and empty commandments of men. These are poor substitutes from the freedom found in a true relationship with a living and loving God.

Pride and arrogance lead men to give man-made traditions and doctrines a high place in their life. Jesus said these works were a vain attempt at worshipping God.
Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. And he said unto them, "Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition."
(Mark 7:7,9)
Today, many religious men have a higher regard for their own vain traditions than they do for the Word of God. Their lives are devoid of the power of God and they teach others to be like themselves.

Vain traditions strangle the Word of God. Vain traditions explain away the power behind the miracles of God. Vain traditions rob people from receiving their blessings from God.

Vain traditions rob people from expecting miracles to happen. Vain traditions interfere with true worship and fellowship with God.

Jesus Triumphed Over the Limits of Religious Traditions
Jesus had compassion on sinners. He gently led sinners to see the truth. He came to show us that everyone is a sinner. Only through Him can we find salvation.

Only through following Him and obeying His words, can we live a life free from the limits of religious traditions.

On the other hand, Jesus had wrath and anger toward the religious hypocrites. He was quite outspoken against the established religious leaders of his day. He openly rebuked them, calling them "white-washed tombs full of deadness and uncleanness" (Matt. 23:27).

Jesus exposed the powerlessness of religious tradition. Religious hypocrites hated Jesus. They plotted to kill Him and hinder His work. Eventually, they put Jesus on trial and brought His death on the cross.

However, Jesus triumphed over the religious leaders of His day. After they had him crucified, they thought it was over. They were wrong. Jesus rose from the dead and their troubles were multiplied.

Jesus sent forth his disciples in His name throughout the world with the message of hope and salvation. Jesus' resurrection was the ultimate triumph over the limits of dead religion and useless traditions!

Source: No More Limits by Happy Caldwell.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers