"And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things" (1 Cor. 9:25 KJV).

The race he's talking about is the race of life—the Christian walk. A person striving to be the best operates in temperance and self-control with everything. They operate in self-control with the money, the body, food, even in their marriage.

You can operate in self-control in every area of your life.

It's Time To Attack
Now, if you have an area you don't have control of, then you need to center up on that issue and attack it. Stop allowing it to control you. Every so often it can ruin everything in your life.

It's time to attack it. It is time to focus on the Word of God by putting God's Word in your mouth. Meditate what God's Word says concerning that issue. Say with your mouth that you are what God says you are, and then decide to act on it daily.

Notice that it is not God controlling you. God is not going to control you. People ask me all the time, "Bishop, pray for me that God will keep me from 'x,y, or z.'" I say, "I can pray it but it isn't going to get answered. I'm just saying words. He put in you the ability to do what you want, and to move away from what you want."

Just Point To Yourself
But have some good sense. If you had a drinking problem, don't go into a bar. Hello! There is no sense in blaming somebody else. Don't blame him, her, and them. And don't blame the white folks, the black folks, the yellow folks, the red folks, the republicans, the democrats, the males, and the females. Don't blame the northerners, the southerners, the poor folk, or the rich folk.

Just point to yourself. But don't stop there. Say, "I am at fault here, but praise God, He did not leave me without the ability to win in this area." There is nothing in your life you cannot overcome. The Bible says, you can do all things through Christ, which strengthens you!

Forget about the past and start right now. It is in the past. God forgave that and it is over. Don't even touch it with your thought life, but start right now. Say, "In Jesus' name, I'm a man/woman of God, and I am walking in the temperance of God. I have self-control in Jesus' name. I win in the race of life."

Copyright © Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.