Amid life's uncertainties and the problems we face in the world today, we as Christians must make a decision to keep our trust and our faith in God and His Word.

When things go wrong in life, what do we do and to whom do we turn? What is our stand? Do we throw in the towel and quit, or do we press on in our Christian walk and remain faithful to God?

These are questions that many don't want to deal with and that some refuse to face, because these issues involve maintaining faith in God through the hardships of life.

Problems, tests, trials, and disappointments in life are real facts, but a strong faith in God is the answer to every one of life's difficulties. We must realize that God has not promised us that we would never face a test or trial. But He has promised us that He would never leave us and that He would cause us to triumph, because He has overcome the world (John 16:33)!

The answer to life's problems is not to "hide our heads in the sand," hoping the problems will go away. Nor is the answer to question our faith in God. We must instead do as the Bible exhorts: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding" (Prov. 3:5).

Many have faced adversity in life, yet they maintained their faith in God. If you were to talk to some of these people, you'd find that they are stalwart men and women of God today - not because of their adversity, but because they chose to persevere. With their eyes fixed on Jesus, they came through the storm and discovered once again the calm that awaited them on the other side.

The ocean of life may not always be as smooth as glass. But through faith in God, we always have an anchor of hope to steady us and keep us on course. So when the storms of life assail, and everything appears to be going wrong, ask yourself, "Is not God still God? Or is He only God when things are going smoothly?"

Purpose in your heart that the unchanging God is God at all times - when times are good and when times are difficult. In all places and under all circumstances, God is still God!

It's during the hard times that we need to dig our heels in the ground and make the decision, "I cannot be defeated, and I will not quit!" It's a decision that each of us has to make. We can allow the situations and circumstances of life to either bring us closer to God - to a place of confidence and certainty in Him - or drive us further away into the uncertainty and suffering of the world.

If you have been discouraged or have wavered in your faith, I encourage you to pick up the pieces of your disappointments and failures and make the decision to go on with God. Stand stronger on His Word than you ever have before!

Rise up to your full stature in Christ, and be more determined than ever that victory belongs to you! The choice is yours. God is still God!

Source: From a Pastor's Heart by Kenneth E. Hagin. Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications