"And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it" (Gen. 2:15)

Who is in charge of the earth? The head over everything on the earth is man. The head over the earth itself is man. God intended for man to increase himself and then gave that man another command, to work the garden of Eden, and to protect it. Man was to be around the garden like a hedge with thorns.

I have said before in teaching on this that God first gave this man a job. Genesis 2 goes back to Adam the male before the female was created. On the other hand, chapter one talks about both of them. Chapter 2, however, gives you a little bit more about what happened in the sequence of the creation of man before the woman was created.

Notice that God gave man the instruction. He said, "I want you to dress the garden and then I want you to keep the garden." The word dress means to work it and to till it. So man was to work the garden.

Then God told him to keep it. The word keep in the Hebrew means to guard. In fact, in one Hebrew translation God said I want you to protect it and attend to it as a thorn or a bush with thorns and hedges about it. The command was to guard the garden, work it and to protect it.

Well, if God gave man an instruction to protect the garden that must mean that there was something in the garden he had to protect it from. There must have been something or someone on the earth that was intent on destroying the earth, destroying the garden, and destroying man.

And there was! It was Satan. Jesus told us about how he saw Satan kicked out of heaven like lightening. There was no question about it. Man, I like that, because you can imagine how fast lightening goes. It wasn't some big cataclysmic fight that they fought for 100 years to see who would win.

No way. Satan rebelled and God kicked him out. Jesus said "... I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" (Luke 10:18). He hit the earth, an adversary to God and all of His creation. And then man was created in the earth. That is why God commanded man to protect and guard the garden.

So, we are seeing now the realm of the dominion and the realm of the authority that God originally gave man. God gave him enough authority and dominion to deal with anything that was in the earth, including Satan. So, you need to understand that the first man and woman had total dominion over everything that surrounded them. That is how far their dominion went. That is how far their authority went.

Understand also that is how far your dominion and authority goes. You have dominion and authority over everything that surrounds you. The way to activate that authority is through prayer and the word of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you to walk in dominion and authority, and guide through God's word.

Scripture reference: Luke 10:18-19