The process of winning starts with working on self. Self must live in this world as long as self has a physical body. That's why the new birth is so important.
Adam and Eve really messed it up for us, but Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to restore a once broken relationship between God and every human being. Now the only way we can experience the life we should have had with Him—the life of a winner—is to be born again. Once we welcome Jesus into our hearts by saying a simple prayer of invitation and surrender, we immediately are born again—and we become a born winner. Yes, it's that easy and fast.

Can you see now why every person, because of sin, really is a born loser at his or her physical birth? The reason is that they are born into a sin nature. But once you become born again, you do away with being a born loser and you become a born winner.

So winners and losers are both born, not bred. In other words, it doesn't matter what pedigree you come from on this physical planet or what ethnicity or background or neighborhood you grew up in, you have been programmed to ultimately eternally lose. That's why being born again does matter to you.

Maybe you came from a lineage that you are ashamed of. Perhaps you have a family tree that includes losers, drunkards, gamblers, drug addicts, or prostitutes and you want to break free from this cycle. You can break free, but only by this new birth I have been talking about.

The reason is that you are a spiritual being. You live in a body, and you possess a soul, which includes your mind, will, and emotions; but the real you—the spirit part of you—we cannot see, and your spirit is what's born again. This is called the new birth, because a new spirit will be born in you when you accept Jesus.

Once you are reborn you will have a new outlook on life because you will be new from the inside out. That is the second thing you must do to live as a winner in this life—you must see yourself as God sees Himself. He is a winner, the Greater One who now lives inside of you. Is it any wonder that becoming born again makes you new from the inside out? In a moment, we will see the importance of this, but know that you are a born winner, which qualifies you in God's kingdom as being an overcomer.

What are we trying to overcome? If we are trying to overcome the world, what is it? What are we talking about? Are we trying to climb on this big blue marble called planet Earth and just overcome this big ball? What are we trying to do? Most people don't have a clue, but from this day forward you will know.

It may shock you because most of what you are really trying to overcome is sitting in your house. In fact, if you walked up to a mirror right now, you would see what you are trying to overcome in this world the most…you! In other words, we must work on us to win against all odds.

The process of winning starts with working on self. Self must live in this world as long as self has a physical body. That's why the new birth is so important; it not only affects our spirit, but our body and soul as well.

There are basic things we deal with in everyday life that are important to understand—especially our body, soul, and spirit. Everything is not spiritual. Many things are natural—things we must conquer in this world and overcome and not allow to control our lives. So how these three areas can work together or against each other is the critical point for you to learn.

Basically, if they work against each other, you will have chaos; if they work together, you will have won against the odds.

Source: Winning Against All Odds by Donald Shorter, Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers