Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
(1 Peter 5:6-7 NKJV)
Casting the care of your problems on to the Lord and not taking them back isn’t always an easy thing to do. However, if you do not cast your cares on God, you will hinder Him exalting you above your circumstances or problems.

The Bible says that the devil is seeking those he can devour. One of the ways he seeks to devour you is by getting you to take on the care and pressure of your situation so that you are consumed with it.

When you do cast your care on the Lord, it activates the power of God to work in, and through the situation, and allows Him to bring miracles and victory.

God is not asking for us to pretend that problems don’t exist, but He doesn’t want us to take on the care. To take on the care means that you are constantly talking about the problem, thinking about the problem, worried about the problem, and in your mind, there doesn’t appear to be any way out!

God is a loving Father ready to help in your time of need. Cast your cares on the Lord today and He will exalt you!

Confession: Father, I come boldly to Your throne of grace and cast every care that I have been carrying onto You. I humble myself and trust that You care enough about me to work everything out.

Copyright ©  Jerry Savelle Ministries International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.