Think about it:
There’s a point, an intersection, where internal desire meets external enticement and you are tempted to sin. Sin, which is whatever pulls you away from God, leads to ruin. Because you’re in a battle, you have to be on guard and well prepared. But there is help; it is God! He is full of mercy and His compassion never fails!

Talk about it:
1) Remember that temptation is not random. It is personalized and strategic, created by the devil to cause you to fail. Evaluate and discuss what pulls you away from God. Consider these problem areas as hooks that lead you away from what is right and into sin, bringing you to shame and ruin. Realize and discuss what the traps are in your life. How can you avoid them?

2) The battlefield is the 4 ½ inches between your ears. You have to prepare your mind for action and get your head in the game. Know God’s Word! It will help you do combat. What strategic plans can you put in place to grow in knowledge about God and His Word?

3) You CAN overcome temptation. You have no obligation to your flesh; you don’t have to give in! When your fleshly desires try to “master you”, go back to God’s Word and remind yourself Who your Master is. What can you do to feed what needs to grow and starve what needs to die?

Keys: James 1:12 -15; Proverbs 11:9; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Romans 8:12 -14; Romans 6:14; James 4:7; Proverbs 24:16; Lamentations 3:21 -23

Pray: Thank you, Father God, that You are faithful and always provide a way of escape. Help me identify the intersection where wrong desire and enticement meet. Fill me with wisdom, clarity and knowledge to stay on guard and resist temptation. Thank you for Your Word and that it is full of promises I can stand on to defeat sin and the devil. I declare that You are my help. Help me listen and submit to Your will and Your plan for my life. Help me remember that You are full of mercy and will help me if I call on You!

Action: You have hope! With God’s help you can overcome temptation and get back on your feet. Submit to God and the devil will flee! You are promised new mercy every morning; He will give you a fresh start. He is faithful and He will come through for you!

Meadowbrook Church
All rights reserved. Used by permission.