The 2016 summer Olympics just wrapped up in Rio, and 2 weeks of non-stop coverage along with it. If you’d told me 10 years ago I’d be watching hours upon hours of the competition I’d have laughed, but since my husband and boys are huge sports freaks, I’ve learned to enjoy watching sports, too. Okay, I won’t say enjoy, but over the years I’ve learned to tolerate and occasionally even like watching the games!

The part I love, and I mean love about watching sports is seeing all types of athletes dreams’ come true — especially when it comes to a gold medal, the Super Bowl or the World Series. There’s something about seeing the joy and at times even tears when hard work pays off and big dreams are realized. Honestly, I usually cry too, which my boys think is totally weird.

For the Olympics this year, Coke coined a new hashtag: #goldmoment. I love it, and I’ll explain why;

Thinking about the words gold moment, I thought about the wins in my own life. On the surface it’s easy to be dismissive and think I don’t have any gold moments. However, I think the definition of a gold moment is more important than the event itself. For example, if you ask me, I’d say simply being invited to compete in the Olympics is a gold moment, or a win; on the other hand, to some athletes the only real win would be coming home with gold. I often times downplay the winning moments in my life, and spend more time focusing on my losses. I’m trying to step back and look at my life from a more positive and grateful perspective. Viewing my life from this viewpoint helps me see all the gold moments and things I should be grateful for.

One of my gold moments came after a yearlong battle with breast cancer. I was diagnosed in April of 2012 and had 6 surgeries, plus chemotherapy and radiation. During this time of fighting off the disease I didn’t feel like a winner in the least, and definitely didn’t feel like the gold medalist of breast cancer. Throughout the process there were many tears, sleepless nights, pain from surgeries, nausea from chemo and emotions that were literally all over the map.

One of my goals during this battle was to shield my 4 kids from the effects it was having on me. Obviously they knew it was a difficult process, but I didn’t want them to see ‘breast cancer’ every time they came home from school, I just wanted to be their mom. Keeping up the appearance that I was coping was my gold moment at the time.

Now that I’m 4 years past the diagnosis, I can reflect on my battle and see the wins I hadn’t recognized earlier. I’ll start by pointing out the most significant and obvious win – I’m still here! Along the way there were other gold moments, not so obvious. The amazing thing about personal a gold moment is that they are just that, personal and up for individual interpretation.

A gold moment came when I attended my son Carter’s first football game of his senior year; it was right after I finished my 8th and final round of chemotherapy. I didn’t feel great, but wouldn’t miss him on the starting lineup for the world. As the crowd cheered and the teams ran out onto the field, I spotted his number and, like any mom, only focused on him. After the coin toss, the defensive line moved into position, I’m watching him line up and notice something different. Carter had surprised me by sporting new pink cleats and gloves in my honor. Hang on while I wipe away my tears for a moment. Can you say gold moment?

I’m sure if you stop and think about it, you’ll remember the wins or the #goldmoments in your own life. I’ve learned that when I’m in a dark place or overwhelmed with life, if I just take a few moments to reflect on the good things God has already done in my life, it really helps me get my eyes off my current situation. Honestly, every gold moment I’ve ever had, all of them have come straight from above — and I’m so thankful.

If you’re having a bad day, I want to encourage you to think about all the wins you’ve experienced in your life, no matter how small, and make a decision to be grateful for them.

I’d love to hear about your gold moment — send me a tweet @sundaysurvivor and use the hashtag #goldmoment!

First published on Sunday Burquest Standing. Smiling. Surviving. And talking about it. website 
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