Right now, the Spirit of God is training up a powerful army of pray-ers. He is preparing them to take up their spiritual weapons, win new territory for the kingdom of God, and dispel the demonic storms that loom, even now, on the horizon. He is teaching them to pray not according to their own human wisdom or what others tell them, but by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

This is not the first time God has assembled such an army. He has done it many times before—especially in seasons of world crisis. In 1936, for example, as the dark clouds of World War II began to gather, He brought together such a group in England to help fight that war—and win it—on their knees. The leader of that group was Rees Howells, a man who had given his entire life to intercession.

Apart from the truths and testimonies included in the Bible itself, I know of no more inspiring, convincing proof of the power of Spirit-led prayer than the experiences of Mr. Howells. In the final years of his life, he and the young people who prayed with him won battles, saved lives, and stopped the Nazi army on England's doorstep. They prayed out details of specific battles before those battles ever took place. And they did it in response to two clear and simple words from the Lord: Bend Hitler.

The accounts of those prayer meetings offer breath-taking evidence that every earthly victory for the kingdom of God must be won first in the spirit by people of prayer. They leave no doubt that if the Holy Spirit can find a body of praying believers through whom He can work, He will change the course of nations.

We should all be forever grateful that when the devil infected Hitler with his demonic plan and released the Nazi plague upon the world, God was able to find men and women who were prepared to fight and conquer it through the power of prayer. We should also be determined that in this day when the devil is once again stirring wicked men and leaders of nations to yield themselves to his deadly purposes—in this day when millions of lives hang in the balance—God will find in us what He needs.

He will find us to be people prepared to rise to new heights in the spirit. He will find us to be spiritual soldiers who are not only willing but able to enforce the victory of Jesus and release the power of heaven on earth through prayer.

Enlarging Our Territory
I'll be honest with you. Those kinds of soldiers aren't developed overnight. An effective spiritual army is not composed of fresh-faced, recently-recruited volunteers. It's made up of well-developed troops who know their heavenly Commander in Chief very well. Troops who have learned how to abide in Him. Soldiers who are "strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man" (Eph. 3:16 NKJV) and can swing "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" with might and precision, "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit" (Eph. 6:17-18 NKJV).

How do you become that kind of spiritual soldier? The same way Rees Howells did. By learning to obey the instructions Jesus gave to His disciples in John 15:7: If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you (AMP).

As I've studied Mr. Howells' life, I've found it interesting to see how, as he progressed in his abiding, God gave him ever greater responsibilities in prayer. In his early years, he prayed primarily for individuals that God put on his heart. After a while, God expanded his assignment to include groups of people in the region where he lived. Then, in the years just before World War II, his prayer burdens went international. "The world became our parish," he said, "and we were led to be responsible for countries and nations."

God wants to do a similar work in us as praying people today. He wants to increase our scope and effectiveness. He wants to enlarge our territory in prayer so that we can be a blessing in ever greater ways to ever greater numbers of people.

But for Him to do that, we must increase spiritually. We must sink our roots deeper into Jesus. We must abide in Him so that He can strengthen us and take us higher. We must receive more revelation of Him and from Him so that we can see with clarity what He is showing us and hear with accuracy what He is saying to us. We must let Him increase us from the inside out.

The Perfect Spiritual Tool
When we abide in Jesus, His Words come alive in our hearts. He quickens specific Words to us by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes He puts a particular verse on the inside of us. Sometimes it's just a single phrase like the one he gave Rees Howells during World War II.

As we fellowship with Him over those Words, somehow He cooks them up and expands them inside us until they become an outflow of prayer. They become the perfect spiritual weapon for the prayer battle we are facing. They become the exact tool we need to accomplish what God wants us to do.

People who don't know much about prayer might say that we don't need such specific words. They say any scripture will do. But they're mistaken. Spiritual tools are just like natural tools. We get much better results when we use the one specifically suited for the task at hand.

God can use our prayers to save lives, win battles, and stop Satan's armies. He can lift us to new heights so we can take ever greater territories and win ever more glorious victories through the power of prayer.

Lynne Hammond Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.