Many pray for good health and strength, but if they sneeze once, they say, "I believe I am taking the flu," or "I must be taking a cold." They have set a scriptural law in motion and it cancelled their prayer.

Let me share a little secret with you that will stop 50% of your colds if you will do it consistently.

Every time you sneeze say, "Thank God, I'm taking healing. I have a choice; so I am taking healing."

"I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life" (Deut. 30:19).

No one will snicker or laugh when you say, "I'm taking the flu." They will just reply, "Oh, poor thing." But when you say, "I'm taking healing," they will often say, "What has gotten into you?" Just reply, "The Word of God!"

James says that the body can be controlled if you control the tongue. Your body is like a child—it will do anything you let it do. It will be sick if you will let it.

The spirit man on the inside is the one that should dominate the body. Christ redeemed you from the curse of poverty, sickness, and sin (Gal. 3:13).

Some would reason that if we were redeemed from the curse of the Law, then everyone would be healed and no one would be sick; but that is not true.

We are redeemed from sin; but not everyone is saved. They could be, but they have not acted on God's Word to be delivered from sin.

You can still sin if you want to. According to the Word of God in Galatians 3:13, we have no more right to allow sickness and disease in our bodies than we do sin. It all comes from Satan!

Source: Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer by Charles Capps
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers