People can become full of care and trouble if they're not spending enough time in the Word. I've learned that when people come in for counseling, they're ready to talk about their problems.

I say, "May I help you today?" "Oh, yes, Pastor, let me see, let me start at the beginning." "No, you let me start. Let me ask you a question. How's your Word time?" "Ah, well, you know, okay, it could be better." "Hmmm. How's your prayer time?" "Ah, you know, it could be better."

Aha! We've already found the answer to your problem! We don't need to talk about your problem specifically. We've already gotten the root. You're not praying and getting in the Word. Now why should you waste my time and your time coming in to ask me to help you solve your problem, when you're not doing the needful part?

If you're not spending time in the Word and praying, you're not operating in the Word system. You want to bring the pastor a worldly problem, one that was gained by operating in the world system, and you want him to give you some godly counsel about how to handle your operation in the world system. No, no, no. Let's clear the problem up at the very beginning.

Do something about your Word time, do something about your prayer time and then if you still need to see the pastor, come back. Don't expect the pastor or the counselor to solve your problem for you when you're not doing what you're supposed to do, because you're neglecting the most needful part - sitting at the feet of Jesus and hearing His Word - you're careful and troubled about many things.

But, child of God, if you continue to neglect God's Word, if you continue to neglect prayer, I can give you all the right answers to your problem, but none of them will work for you until you make a decision to live in God's Word.

Until you get your spiritual priorities straight and make an irreversible decision to operate in the Word system and not in the world system, you'll continue to be defeated by trouble. You'll be stuck in a vicious circle - the more care and trouble you let into your life, the more the Word will be choked out of it; and the more you neglect the Word, the more careful and troubled you'll be.

Remember, the Word of God, and the peace which comes from it, are there to guard and keep your mind and heart like a military guard. If you will concentrate on the needful part of sitting at the feet of Jesus and hearing His Word, if you'll get your priorities right and put the Word before your service, the peace of God which passes understanding will guard your heart and mind through the anointed Word.

Source: How To Trouble Your Trouble by Creflo A. Dollar, Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers