"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints" (Eph. 6:18).

So many believers are unmotivated to pray because they don't really believe prayer works. But that's far from the truth. Prayer is a powerful weapon against the enemy. If we really understood that, then no one would have to motivate you to use your weapon of prayer.

In Ephesians 6:18, the Bible tells says "…watching thereunto with all perseverance…." The word "watching" means we should be looking for opportunities to pray. Our attitude should be, "who needs my prayers." You see, that's motivation; that's having an understanding that your prayers are going to help set people free.

Notice we are to watch with all perseverance, which means to stick to it. So your approach is to watch, pray, and then stick with this deal. That's doesn't mean you pray for someone once or twice, then stop. You pray until they are delivered.

Well, how did you develop perseverance? First, make a list of the people you are praying for. Then keep praying for them until they have the victory - only then can you scratch them off your list. That means pray for them everyday.

Your prayer is the hammer on the devil's head - he's getting weaker; his grip is loosening. Some people may take longer to get off your list then others, but persevere until they get the victory. There are people who have no other chance to escape hell without your prayers to do war for them in the Spirit

Also, we are to persevere for all saints. I'm talking about being deliberate in watching and praying for your brother or sister in Christ.

Actually, just the other day, I was praying for clarity on my responsibilities. I was asking God what He wanted me to do about this or that. I got about five minutes into it when the Holy Spirit told me to pray for a particular believer.

So I started praying for him, and I stayed praying for him until the burden lifted. That means if you have to stay there an extra 30 minutes, so be it. When the burden lifted, I could pray about other items.

Remember: when the Holy Spirit drops a person in your spirit to pray for, you are obligated by God to persevere for that person. It's not your business to understand what that person is going through. Just use your weapon and war for them in prayer.

Scripture References: Colossians 1:9-13; James 5:13-16

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