Give because you are full of God Who is love. Give because you want your brothers and sisters to experience that love.
Some folks might say, "Well, I don't believe God is interested in our money. He just cares about our hearts."

It's true, God is interested in our hearts. But the Bible makes it clear that as far as God is concerned, what we do with our money is a reflection of the condition of our hearts.

In the book of Malachi, God said the cold, backslidden condition of the people was revealed in their offerings. Instead of bringing God their best, they brought Him the junk. They wouldn't give Him their time or their quality stuff.

Today, just like in Malachi's day, some people don't want to hear that kind of preaching. So they speak derogatory things about ministers who talk about giving.

I realize there have always been unscrupulous and selfish so-called ministers who've tried to use this message to get rich and to prophesy money out of others' pockets into their own.

But that doesn't change the Word and it doesn't change love.

The fact remains that we have a New Testament commandment to love one another. And the greatest expression of love is giving.

Please understand me now. I'm not saying you should give away everything you own to the first person you see. You need to be led by the Holy Spirit.

If you'll follow His leading, your gift, no matter how small it may be, will be a great blessing both to you and to the person who receives it.

I remember some years ago when I was attending some meetings, a young man was speaking and the Lord dealt with me to give some money to him.

The problem was, I only had $5 to my name, and I was embarrassed to give it to him because I knew he was probably used to receiving much larger gifts.

As this brother ministered, however, my heart filled with love and appreciation for him and I so desired to bless him that I set aside my embarrassment, walked up to him after the service and said, "Brother, here's a little gift I wanted to give you. It's not much, but it's what I have."

When I handed him that gift, the Holy Ghost fell on us. We both cried like babies because we were so deeply touched.

That brother was blessed, not by the monetary value of my gift, but by the expression of love it represented. It moved him to realize that I appreciated him so deeply. That's really what giving is all about.

In light of that, remember when you give not to just hand someone something dutifully and say, "God told me to do this." Let that person know your gift is an expression of love.

Don't treat it like it's no big deal. Let them know, "This is valuable to me, but you are more valuable to me. I love God and I love you more than I love this thing that I am giving you."

Above all, don't just give in legalistic obedience to the Word of God. Don't even give in legalistic obedience to the promptings of the Spirit.

Give because you are full of God Who is love. Give because you want your brothers and sisters to experience that love.

In 2 Corinthians 8:8, the Apostle Paul challenged the Corinthian church to "prove the sincerity" of their love through giving. I believe God has offered us that same challenge today.

Let's stir ourselves up to rise up in the Spirit and meet it. "...Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth" (1 John 3:18).

Let's give with the realization of expressing and demonstrating God's goodness and love. And by this shall all men know that we are truly the disciples of Jesus.

First published in the Believer's Voice Of Victory Magazine
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Reprinted by permission.