Every one of us is accountable to someone else's authority in one way or another. So, we need to be mindful of what it takes to be a steward of these relationships. The following five scriptural guidelines will help us better manage these relationships as we incorporate the principles into our lives.
  1. Let every soul be submitted to authority (Rom. 13:1).

  2. We must recognize that the office of authority, regardless of the person standing in it, is ordained of God.

  3. Servants, be obedient to them (Eph. 6:5).

  4. We as Christians must obey the direction or instruction that comes from an office of authority. Of course, we must measure everything against the standard of the Word. Submitting to authority does not mean we blindly obey what someone tells us to do when it contradicts God's Word.

  5. Serve as unto the Lord and not unto men (Eph. 6:7).

  6. We need to do our very best to contribute to the corporate effort by making an effort to give 100 percent. But we need to work as unto the Lord. Arrive early and work hard—not to please man, but to please the Lord. And, in return, we'll be blessed when we do.

  7. Let your light shine (Matt. 5:16).

  8. Don't preach or lecture to that unsanctified husband or wife, and don't preach to that unsaved boss. The Bible tells us that if we live our lives by the standard of God's Word, God can change the life of an unbeliever. Our lifestyles, lived according to the standard of the Word, will convict another person of sin.

  9. Pray for those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-2).

  10. The Bible tells us to pray for those in positions of authority. It doesn't matter who the person is or whether or not we agree with his or her theological or political viewpoint. We are nevertheless called to pray earnestly for those we serve.

    We are commanded to respect, honor, and esteem that office of authority because God ordained it, and when we line ourselves up with it, we'll be blessed.

    Source: Simplifying Your Life by Mac Hammond.
    Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers