Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is not a Mission Impossible, but a Mission Possible, Mission Probable, and Mission Perfect—designed uniquely for you. No matter what your limitations, if you choose to accept this mission, you will be able to fulfill it.

Eighteen hundred years have rolled away since the son of God, our blessed Redeemer, offered himself on Mount Calvary for the salvation of our species; and more than half of mankind still continue to deny his divine mission and the truth of his sacred word.
— Henry Clay, 1829
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is not a Mission Impossible, but a Mission Possible, Mission Probable, and Mission Perfect—designed uniquely for you. No matter what your limitations, if you choose to accept this mission, you will be able to fulfill it.

A mission is a specific task a person is assigned to do. When God placed you in space as part of the human race, you came "on assignment" from heaven. Remember you are here on purpose, for a purpose, in divine purpose.

Before the foundation of the earth, about the same time God the Father was deciding to send His Son Jesus, He decided to send you. In the   fullness of time He then formed you in your mother's womb to be equipped with everything you would need for your mission.

You may not have decided what career you want. You may not have chosen a mate. Maybe you feel as if your life has no direction at all and you are just going wherever "fate" dictates.

Well, until you get more specific instructions from the Holy Spirit, He has already told you in the Word of God about your most important mission—winning souls and discipling believers.

Have you been ignoring your assignment from God's Word? If so, you have been missing an adventure! The Great Commission is the adventure of your life!

You can boldly charge into enemy territory and snatch kidnapped royalty from hell's flames. You can dangle from a wire and reach into the pits of hell to grasp the hand of one lost soul. You can be tethered from a plane, holding a life jacket for one backslider trapped in the swirling waters of sin.

It is an adventure. It is your mission. Choose to accept it today!

Source: Mission 3:16 by Carman.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing