The Lord said to me back in 1950, "Go teach my people faith." For over half a century, I have been faithful to do that. More recently the Lord said to me, "There is a move of the Spirit that will be lost to this generation unless you teach them."

Many believers have come into the charismatic movement, and all they know is just the teaching of the Word. But there is also a move of the Spirit. That's where I am, today at least - teaching the move of the Spirit in light of the Word of God.

When the Lord instructed me to teach the move of the Spirit, He said, "In the last days there will arise a company of believers who will walk in the Word and learn to walk in the Spirit. Through faith in the Word, and by the power of the Spirit, this company of believers will fulfill the will of God according to the plan of God, and bring in the harvest. That harvest will be brought about in three ways. First, we must have prayer. Second, the seed has to be sown. This is accomplished by teaching and preaching the Word. Third, the rain must fall. You can't have a harvest without rain. The Holy Ghost is likened unto rain."

The move of the Spirit is not given just to bless us. It gets us ready for the harvest - preparing us to be a blessing, an asset, and a help to those we reach.

For so long, it seemed that the Church didn't have much joy. The Bible says that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but it's joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. Joy is one of the characteristics of this present revival. It's a revival of joy.

Joy is expressed in physical manifestations. Singing, laughing, and dancing are expressions of joy. We've preached the peace and righteousness part of the kingdom of God, and folks have reveled in that. But now it seems that God is emphasizing joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength and that strength equips us as the Body of Christ to reap the harvest.

We talk about Christ being anointed. Well, He was the Anointed One. When He was here on earth, His physical body was the only Body of Christ in this earth. Now, we are the ones anointed to finish the works of the Master, because the work of the Lord is carried out through the Body of Christ, which is the church.

After Jesus went to the cross, died, rose from the dead, and ascended on high, He sat down at the right hand of the Father. The Word of God said we were raised and sat down together with Him.

And just as the head can't do anything without the body, Jesus can't do anything on the earth except though His Body. Just as the commands of the head are carried out through the body, we are carrying out the commands of the Head of the Church.

The whole body needs to be enlightened and know that we are already equipped to carry out His plan, or His will. That is how this last days' revival, this end-time harvest, will come about.

Direction from the Head will be carried out through the Body. God's plan is always carried out through the Body of Christ. So He's equipping us today to flow with the Spirit. It is by the power of the Spirit that we will carry out the will of God, the plan of God, and the purpose of God to the praise, honor, and glory of God.