Stuck In Neutral? Get Excited About God!

by Chip Brim | Audios

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"Now it's time!" said the Lord to Chip Brim in 1998. "It is time to train Champions for Christ. I have taught you to train champions in baseball; now it is time to train Champions for Christ. I desire for my people to be champions-people who always prevail in the Last Days!"

This confirmed the call to the ministry in 1986 at his father's funeral, by a prophetic word from the Lord through Kenneth E. Hagin, who was conducting the service.

Craving God diligently after answering the "call to preach," the Lord gave Chip a supernatural experience with a message from heaven: why believers are not receiving the answers to their prayers.

When Chip preaches this message (and other messages that the Lord gave him for the Last Days), the Lord confirms His Word with salvations, healings, deliverances, miracles, and visions.

Chip Brim has been a highly successful coach in baseball at every level from high school to professional teams for 13 years. With ten championship baseball teams and an exceptional number of credits and awards, Chip uses the same principles God taught him about training champion teams with a supernatural anointing to build Champions for Christ in the Church.

Dedicated Christian parents Chip and Candace Brim and their children, Taylor and Kaleb, make their home in Arkansas. Champions 4 Christ is an outreach ministry of Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks, where they assist Chip's mother, well-known minister and author Billye Brim.