“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23 KJV).
God will use men to deliver a message to let people know how to tap into money miracles.
Let’s look at how Elisha was used in this way. In 2 Kings 7, Samaria is under military siege. The armies of Syria had surrounded them and they are now in a great famine.
The Bible says that a donkey’s head sold for 180 pieces of silver, the cab of a doves dung sold for 5 pieces of silver. And they were so hungry that they began to eat their children. That is called a famine.
Then God gives Elisha a word for those people. Tomorrow, at about this time – in twenty-four hours the economy of your city will be turned upside down.
In twenty-four hours, those things that seem to be expensive won’t be so expensive anymore. In twenty-four hours, God is going to take you from this situation to a situation whereby you have everything you need.
If there is anything I can leave you with, this is one of the things I really want you to get. Elisha makes this prophecy that in twenty-four hours things are going to change financially for everybody in this city.
Then one of the king’s men makes an unbelieving statement. He says, “Even if there were actually windows in heaven and God dropped blessings on us, will this still even be possible?” (see 2 Kings 7:2).
He was in unbelief. Elisha’s response to that was, “You’ll see it happen. But you won’t eat of it.”
Now, I don’t want to be the believer who hears about the outpouring of God’s finances in the church – the wealth of the wicked actually coming to the just – and I’m the one that is still driving a Pinto. I’m the one that still can’t make any payments. I’m the one that can’t bless anybody…because I’ve decided not to believe.
You need to make a decision to do what is necessary to not be the poor that will be with us always, but to be the blessed that God wants to be blessed.
That decision is something that you’ve got to make. There is no question what God wants to do. What are you going to let Him do? Be the one that says, “Lord, I believe” and walk in the blessings He has for you.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Keith Butler has been an ordained minister since 1974. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and holds diplomas from Canada Christian College and Rhema Bible Training Center.
He serves in ministry with the support of his lovely wife, Pastor Deborah L. Butler, and their children: Pastor Andre Butler (granddaughters Alexis, Angela, and April), Pastor MiChelle Ferguson and husband Pastor Lee (grandson Lucas), and Minister Kristina Jenkins and husband Pastor Joel (grandsons Andrew and Austin, and granddaughter Alyssa).