An Act of Courage

by Gloria Copeland | Pursuit of His Presence

“Only be thou strong and very courageous” (Josh. 1:7).

Do you know that obeying the Word is an act of courage? It really is, because when you obey the Word and believe God in a situation, you’re swimming upstream. You’re going against the current of the world.

Whether you’re persevering while waiting for a better job, or working toward getting out of debt, all acts of obedience require courage. It takes courage, stamina, and determination to stay with something, especially when the world has what seems to be an easier, quicker way to get there.

When most of the people and all the circumstances around you are screaming unbelief in your ears, it takes courage to stand on God’s Word and not be moved.

But once you make the decision to stand and be courageous, you’ll be in position and ready to activate God’s three-part formula for success.

You’ll find it spelled out in Joshua 1:8:

1) “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth.”
2) “But you shall meditate on it day and night.”
3) “That you may observe and do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.”

There they are. Three simple steps directly from the mouth of God. They are the steps that enabled Joshua to conquer the land of Canaan and bring the Israelites into their inheritance.

They are also the steps that will enable you to live like the conqueror God designed you to be. So don’t give up. That better job will come. You’ll be debt free. Your circumstances will change…as long as you persevere and continue to be courageous.

Speak the Word: I am strong and very courageous. (Josh. 1:7)

For Further Study: Joshua 23:1-11

Daily Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 15-16;1 Corinthians 6

Excerpt permission granted by
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka:  Kenneth Copeland Ministries

For the last 50 years Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have been passionately teaching Christians all over the world how to apply the principles of faith found in God's WORD to their lives.

They have seven ministry offices around the world: United States, Canada, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Ukraine and Latin America. Their God-given directive is to preach and teach the uncompromised WORD of God on every available voice, which is being accomplished through a variety of channels, including our Believer's Voice of Victory TV and radio broadcasts, podcast and magazine; Believers' Conventions, Victory Campaigns and Living Victory meetings; published books, website, and social media channels, to name a few.

With the expansion of technology, they have more work to do now than ever. They are determined to let the world know Jesus is LORD, and they are not slowing down anytime soon!


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